Point of Convergence https://pointofconvergence.net The UFO Phenomenon, High Strangeness & Consciousness Sun, 22 Sep 2024 00:24:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://pointofconvergence.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/cropped-exo-sq-32x32.png Point of Convergence https://pointofconvergence.net 32 32 187846100 107 ~ Of Expansion & Ascension https://pointofconvergence.net/107-of-expansion-ascension/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=107-of-expansion-ascension Sat, 21 Sep 2024 11:50:39 +0000 https://pointofconvergence.net/?p=6153

As we speak, both within ufology and within the segments of the political and public spheres that are beginning to wrestle with this enigmatic topic, we are seeing ongoing debate about how much the intelligences behind what we colloquially refer to as “the Phenomenon” should be framed as a threat–or at least a “potential threat”–or not. Some argue “better safe than sorry”, in lobbying for an approach that assumes this is a threat until proven otherwise.

As we delved into in the last episode of Point of Convergence, much of that particular argument leans on the notion that we have pretty much zero understanding as to the intent of these non-conventional others. But, as I pointed out in that episode, the wealth of experiencer testimony at our disposal would suggest otherwise, for within that extensive body of data we see consistent messages provided by these non-human others to the human beings who have interacted with them.

But even beyond this particular matter, which is already controversial because it ventures into questions around what kind of data should be considered “legitimate” and “trustworthy” or not, the lore we just referenced goes well beyond offering potential answers to the question of whether or not this amounts to a threat or not, even touching on ultimate matters such as the nature of reality, and even an alternate history regarding human origins.

What is perhaps most challenging of all to our secular, and still largely physicalist (that is to say reductionistic materialist) Western civilization, is notions that arise in the experiencer data that speak to what might best be called “spirituality”. This challenges our typical conceptions because most see this entire matter as involving technology and a potential clash of space-faring civilizations, not one delving into ultimate meaning and the evolution of souls. And yet, that is indeed where this body of data goes, which perhaps only adds fuel to the fire, in terms of why this lore is not taken as legitimate by the powers-that-be.

If experiencer lore stretches our expectations regarding what the UFO Phenomenon is even ultimately about, in what precise ways does it do so? And how do these elements in particular make our contemporary meaning-making machine uncomfortable? And how might the ignoring of those elements, simply because they are unexpected and inconvenient, potentially create a scenario where we miss the forest for the proverbial trees? These are precisely the issues we’ll seek to gain clarity around in this, the 107th episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.

095 ~ Transition & Transcendence https://pointofconvergence.net/095-transition-transcendence/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=095-transition-transcendence Sun, 31 Dec 2023 13:07:58 +0000 https://pointofconvergence.net/?p=5274 https://pointofconvergence.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Ep95.mp3

Over the last 12 months or so, those associated with ufology have seen their excitement level around the matter of official disclosure reach a fevered pitch. Much of the optimism has been tied to the remarkable specificity of the language included in the Schumer amendment, which makes clear not only that sophisticated, non-human intelligences in our midst exist, but that various elements of the military industrial complex have constructed elaborate schemes to study this phenomenon while shielding this consequential reality not just from the American people, but also from Congress and the rest of government.

While much of that amendment was eventually gutted before being passed into law, in many ways the proverbial train has nevertheless left the station. There is just too much momentum heading into 2024 for this progress to reverse course. It may take longer than some within ufology would prefer, but this march towards an official acknowledgement of the reality of this phenomenon – and the various unconventional intelligences behind it – seems unstoppable at this point.

While this particular matter of when disclosure will actually happen has been front and center in the ufological dialogue over the last year, what has been discussed much less regularly is the matter of what will actually be disclosed. Many of us obsessed with this topic have been so focused on crossing this one particular threshold — yes, this is real, and yes, so are they – that we’ve spent far less time pondering what might be disclosed, or commented upon, beyond this initial civilization-changing acknowledgement.

Truth be told, this is precisely where the challenge really arises for the powers that be. And, frankly, that’s because they really have no clear understanding of where this all leads. Yes, it’s real. Yes, it’s been present in our midst – even if in stealthy manner – for perhaps as long as we’ve been around as a species. But as to its ultimate nature, and how it changes our understanding of fundamental reality, that’s a matter of ongoing contention and confusion – even for the insiders who’ve spent decades studying this, with the highest security clearances available.

For those who take the most overarching view – considering not just the more contemporary manifestation and interpretation of this Phenomenon, but also ways that deep human history seems to point to interactions stretching back millenia – even if described in terms and frames much less familiar and comfortable to modern ears – it’s clear that these other intelligences have not only been with us all along, likely shaping our development across time in the process, but likely were responsible for our very seeding upon this blue pearl of a planet to begin with.

In today’s episode we’ll be taking a deep dive into the ways one can make a very solid case for the notion that ancient encounters with so-called “gods” were ultimately part of the very same enterprise as the more modern UFO/UAP and alien abduction/hybridization enigma. How has framing, and a poor understanding of the different cultural contexts that have tried to make sense of these phenomena over time, obscured the underlying truth of these reality-shaking revelations? These are the very daring, daunting, and highly disruptive matters we’ll be exploring in this, the 95th episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.

075 ~ Interdimensional Highways https://pointofconvergence.net/interdimensional-highways-navigating-the-how-and-why-of-contact-with-alien-entities/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=interdimensional-highways-navigating-the-how-and-why-of-contact-with-alien-entities Sun, 13 Nov 2022 01:00:10 +0000 https://pointofconvergence.net/?p=3973 https://pointofconvergence.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Ep75F.mp3

Many of the people who regularly tune into this podcast know that the UFO Phenomenon, general paranormality, and other so-called contact modalities such as NDEs, OBEs and psi phenomena are addictively fascinating matters. One could draw the conclusion that this is the case simply because the nature of the subject matter is seductive, and helps to distract people from the mundanity of their everyday existence.

While the subject matter does indeed draw one deeper and deeper into the proverbial rabbit hole the longer one pays attention with a keen, discerning eye, I think there’s more than meets the eye going on here. I think partly what’s going on is a kind of “remembering the future”. What I mean by that is that our collective fascination with this subject matter reflects a kind of mental bookmark to what becomes a key inflection point in our civilization’s history. You could describe it as the experience of living through the arising of an interference pattern, where the present is equally impacted by events from our past AND our future. Particularly significant points in time can tend to feel like this, even if it is confusing to those living through it.

Particularly thoughtful researchers, like the preeminent Jacques Vallee, have noted that what we are seeing take place with the modern UFO Phenomenon is simply the latest wrinkle in time of a larger phenomenon that has been manifesting since time immemorial. Here I speak of the interaction between human beings and other, sophisticated, bewitching non-human intelligences; intelligences so capable both in matters of the external AND internal sciences (manifesting in both the world and the mind) that they have undoubtedly played a key role in shaping the very meaning models that we currently shape our collective existence with and through.

Former rock star and later founder of TTSA, Tom DeLonge, ended up uttering what I have found – in retrospect – to be apt words in describing the nature and origin of many of the Others of which we speak. In one interview DeLonge said “The evidence doesn’t suggest it’s interplanetary, so, people need to understand religion, ancient texts…the occult…esoteric stuff…they need to understand that time is not linear – it’s parallel – & once you understand that all things – past, present, future – exist at one moment, which is what quantum mechanics is kinda figuring out, then they’ll realize there can be parallel realities right here, with advanced civilizations that are popping over with frequency. Not linear… not coming from Alpha Centauri here. And I’m not even suggesting that that can’t happen, too. But what *is* happening here is a little bit different.”

Indeed it is. And I would add to this insightful analysis – that I at first didn’t pay close enough attention to when I began this journey years ago – that it’s not that some of them are NOT extraterrestrial. In some very real ways some of the groups are. But, importantly, that’s only PART of the story. They are also interdimensional, but in a way that diverges from some of the ways that term has conventionally been used by astrophysicists, and is more inline with the way the term is applied, as DeLonge hints at, by enthusiasts of the occult and other forms of esotericism.

Notice there that I said “groups” – plural. And I stand by this. I am more convinced than ever that the evidence suggests more than one group is involved; and that these groups cover the gamut in terms of their developmental consciousness. I speak in terms of degrees of evolution because I have found this is both a more helpful and a more accurate way of describing the situation than painting in polarities of black and white – i.e. good vs evil.

Now, while Delonge has seemed particularly concerned with the ways some of the less mature groups have been working their will in our collective lives, I personally have experienced what it’s like to be in contact with, and be inspired by, groups who are typical of the more evolved, highly conscious end of the spectrum. And it’s a discussion of that particular interaction, and the way that it’s impacted my ongoing journey, that is the topic of this, the 75th edition, of the Point of Convergence podcast.

032 ~ UFOs in the Mainstream https://pointofconvergence.net/ufos-in-the-mainstream-discussing-ross-coultharts-new-book-in-plain-sight/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=ufos-in-the-mainstream-discussing-ross-coultharts-new-book-in-plain-sight Sat, 31 Jul 2021 11:36:53 +0000 https://pointofconvergence.net/?p=1879 Listen by joining @ patreon.com/exoacademian

For those of us intimately familiar with the details of the UFO Phenomenon, it has been exciting to see both our elected officials, some of them anyway, and the public at large, some of it anyway, finally beginning to take the entire matter seriously. To us, the notion that the human race is not only not the only truly intelligence species in the cosmic neighborhood, but perhaps playing second fiddle to intelligences so advanced that they run circles around both our most state of the art aircraft, and, seemingly, around our very ability to perceive and discern the reality around us, should be the story of the century.

Add in the fact that a close and exhaustive reading of our distant lore suggests that human beings may have been interacting with these intelligences since, basically, the very beginning of the beginning, and that perhaps the very meaning models we look to to make sense of the world – here I speak of our religious traditions – may have been spawned by these very Others, that this quickly becomes not just the story of the century, but of all time. Who wouldn’t want to delve into the very depths of this subject – investigating every nook and cranny?

Well, as I say, while the public and our elected officials have a long way to go in really becoming familiar with the nuanced history of this topic, the conversation has begun – undoubtedly so, largely spurned by revelations that emerged in 2017, and have been rolling out at a fairly stead clip ever since.

This past week marks another important milestone in that march towards growing public awareness that, one hopes, might lead – eventually – to the disclosure many of us have been waiting for. Here I speak of the publication of the book In Plain Sight: An investigation into UFOs and impossible science by award-winning, veteran investigative Australian journalist, Ross Coulthart. In the line of books by American journalists such as Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal, this book seeks to take a nuanced, historically-rich discussion about the UFO Phenomenon right to the town square of public conversation.

While there may have been more books written about UFOs and alien contact than grains of sands on your local beach, this new release by Coulthart is special because it has the opportunity to reach a much more mainstream audience – not the least of which includes Coulthart’s professional colleagues in the, up until now, notoriously dismissive field of journalism. In other words, this book has the potential to take a subject that has been gaining steam over the last few years, and elevate it into the stratosphere of public conversation. And that is something to be excited about, to be sure.

Furthermore, what gives this book even more teeth, one might say, is that Ross Coulthart has done his homework. He’s taken years to carefully, meticulously craft a book that not only accurately depicts UFO events throughout the course of history, including events from his native Australia that many American audiences will have never heard about, but he has done so with a depth of penetrating analysis that makes apparent to even a naive reader, just how shocking, preposterous and disturbing the government treatment and coverup of this essential topic has been over the course of the last eight decades or so.

Not shying from delving into even the most controversial but compelling aspects of the history of this topic – including crashed AND landed retrievals of apparently alien vehicles and their non-human pilots – Coulthart has put together an exemplary read that has the potential to serve the cause of pushing this rock of confirmation and eventually perhaps disclosure, over that proverbial hill. Coulthart himself finishes his book by claiming we may seemingly be at the cusp of a public revelation that has the potential to change the world. Ross Coulthart’s stellar new book, In Plain Sight: An investigation into UFOs and impossible science and the shocking events from our shared history it uncovers, are the topic of this, the 32nd episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.
