Ever since human beings have had some sense of the immensity of the Cosmos, when we look up to the starry array above their heads in the dark of night, an enduring question emerges: How many other planets with sophisticated civilizations like ours are out there? With a thousand pinpricks of light coming through that …
the Fermi Paradox
066 ~ Portals into the Construct
In the long history of strange events occurring in the lives of human beings, the drive for understanding has been, not surprisingly, shaped by the model of reality prevalent at the time. Thus, while our distant ancestors saw the appearance of strange, awe-inspiring non-human intelligences as a manifestation of angels and demons: entities normally bound …
045 ~ To and From Distant Shores
Listen by joining @ patreon.com/exoacademian Ventures into the skies above our heads may have begun with the Wright Brothers and their rudimentary attempts at flight, but within decades those initial crude experiments evolved into sophisticated spacecraft that could not only take humankind soaring only into the skies, but well beyond. Indeed, by the 1960s the …