Point of Convergence https://pointofconvergence.net The UFO Phenomenon, High Strangeness & Consciousness Wed, 15 May 2024 19:31:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://pointofconvergence.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/cropped-exo-sq-32x32.png Point of Convergence https://pointofconvergence.net 32 32 187846100 078 ~ The Quintessential Other https://pointofconvergence.net/the-quintessential-other-exploring-the-grey-alien-neo-human-form/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-quintessential-other-exploring-the-grey-alien-neo-human-form Tue, 10 Jan 2023 12:43:30 +0000 https://pointofconvergence.net/?p=4279

While the modern UFO era may have begun with the emergence of saucer sightings in the early to mid 20th century, that picture eventually grew to include not only those initial sightings, but also reported interactions with the supposed beings piloting these sophisticated, non-conventional craft. Yes, indeed “aliens” – or as they’re often called in modern ufology circles – non-human intelligences, often to clarify that we don’t actually know where they’re from, just that they’re not human – at least we’re pretty sure of that fact – if by “human” we mean beings akin to contemporary homo sapien sapiens. Of course, as we’ll see in today’s episode, that clear cut distinction between us and them might not be so easy to delineate after all, but we’ll get to that.

From sightings of supposed alien beings – or, apparently non-human but very often “humanoid” beings – the picture filled out even more, to include the now infamous abduction phenomenon, where modern earth humans are taken aboard craft – often from the comfort and quiet of their bedrooms in the middle of the night – where they are then subjected to a wide variety of experiences, including – in some cases of a perhaps less apparently positive nature – invasive medical procedures and supposed hybridization programs, and – in more apparently positive reports – opportunities to see the cosmos and even, on occasion, to learn to maneuver the craft, often via mental intention alone, no less.

In terms of the beings often seen, while there really is a broad spectrum of others, one particular form has come to represent the quintessential “alien” in our cultural zeitgeist. Here I speak of the proverbial “grey alien”. The emergence of this particular form had much to do, one could argue, with the front cover of Whitley Streiber’s ground-breakin and nerve-rattling book, Communion, published in 1987.

Of course, that image wouldn’t have made the waves it did if it were not for the fact that many thousands of people reportedly recognized that prototypical face – sometimes, much to their chagrin. After all, if they recognized the image, if it was somehow familiar to them, even if murkily so, did this mean they too were perhaps alien abductees? These were chilling questions for a plethora of human beings to contemplate.

Of course, the fact that these beings were – if not exactly human-looking – then certainly humanoid, raised many questions. Why would an alien being look so much like us? Wouldn’t the evolutionary trajectory of their own home planet take them in very different directions? The conventional thinking on these matters assumed this would be the case, and it’s partly this that led to so much ridicule and scoff. Many took these humanoid forms as a good reason to ignore the entire affair altogether. It’s as if these people decided that since aliens wouldn’t look like this, the entire affair must be reducible to make believe or delusion.

And yet, the enigma of this particular form of “otherness” has endured, to the point where it’s now a mainstay in our cultural heritage, both for those who believe and don’t believe aliens are here, and are actually interacting with human beings on an ongoing basis. Of course another possibility that’s emerged more recently, and this would explain why these others look so much like us is they may actually be us – but us from the future; our descendents, who have been taken in some strange evolutionary directions based on future events.

So what is it? Are greys from an extraplanetary source – i.e. are they extraterrestrials? Or are they future humans, what Michael Masters has aptly deemed “extratempestrials”? Or is it possible that both options exist? And, furthermore, could the prevalence of this form, and its evident ongoing connection to us, point towards an even deeper and and more primary construct – that might not only speak to common origins, but perhaps also to a common terminus – maybe in the form of the singularity that rushes to meet us at the end of our time? These are the perplexing yet fascinating ideas we’ll endeavor to explore, in this, the 78th episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.

075 ~ Interdimensional Highways https://pointofconvergence.net/interdimensional-highways-navigating-the-how-and-why-of-contact-with-alien-entities/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=interdimensional-highways-navigating-the-how-and-why-of-contact-with-alien-entities Sun, 13 Nov 2022 01:00:10 +0000 https://pointofconvergence.net/?p=3973 https://pointofconvergence.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Ep75F.mp3

Many of the people who regularly tune into this podcast know that the UFO Phenomenon, general paranormality, and other so-called contact modalities such as NDEs, OBEs and psi phenomena are addictively fascinating matters. One could draw the conclusion that this is the case simply because the nature of the subject matter is seductive, and helps to distract people from the mundanity of their everyday existence.

While the subject matter does indeed draw one deeper and deeper into the proverbial rabbit hole the longer one pays attention with a keen, discerning eye, I think there’s more than meets the eye going on here. I think partly what’s going on is a kind of “remembering the future”. What I mean by that is that our collective fascination with this subject matter reflects a kind of mental bookmark to what becomes a key inflection point in our civilization’s history. You could describe it as the experience of living through the arising of an interference pattern, where the present is equally impacted by events from our past AND our future. Particularly significant points in time can tend to feel like this, even if it is confusing to those living through it.

Particularly thoughtful researchers, like the preeminent Jacques Vallee, have noted that what we are seeing take place with the modern UFO Phenomenon is simply the latest wrinkle in time of a larger phenomenon that has been manifesting since time immemorial. Here I speak of the interaction between human beings and other, sophisticated, bewitching non-human intelligences; intelligences so capable both in matters of the external AND internal sciences (manifesting in both the world and the mind) that they have undoubtedly played a key role in shaping the very meaning models that we currently shape our collective existence with and through.

Former rock star and later founder of TTSA, Tom DeLonge, ended up uttering what I have found – in retrospect – to be apt words in describing the nature and origin of many of the Others of which we speak. In one interview DeLonge said “The evidence doesn’t suggest it’s interplanetary, so, people need to understand religion, ancient texts…the occult…esoteric stuff…they need to understand that time is not linear – it’s parallel – & once you understand that all things – past, present, future – exist at one moment, which is what quantum mechanics is kinda figuring out, then they’ll realize there can be parallel realities right here, with advanced civilizations that are popping over with frequency. Not linear… not coming from Alpha Centauri here. And I’m not even suggesting that that can’t happen, too. But what *is* happening here is a little bit different.”

Indeed it is. And I would add to this insightful analysis – that I at first didn’t pay close enough attention to when I began this journey years ago – that it’s not that some of them are NOT extraterrestrial. In some very real ways some of the groups are. But, importantly, that’s only PART of the story. They are also interdimensional, but in a way that diverges from some of the ways that term has conventionally been used by astrophysicists, and is more inline with the way the term is applied, as DeLonge hints at, by enthusiasts of the occult and other forms of esotericism.

Notice there that I said “groups” – plural. And I stand by this. I am more convinced than ever that the evidence suggests more than one group is involved; and that these groups cover the gamut in terms of their developmental consciousness. I speak in terms of degrees of evolution because I have found this is both a more helpful and a more accurate way of describing the situation than painting in polarities of black and white – i.e. good vs evil.

Now, while Delonge has seemed particularly concerned with the ways some of the less mature groups have been working their will in our collective lives, I personally have experienced what it’s like to be in contact with, and be inspired by, groups who are typical of the more evolved, highly conscious end of the spectrum. And it’s a discussion of that particular interaction, and the way that it’s impacted my ongoing journey, that is the topic of this, the 75th edition, of the Point of Convergence podcast.

039 ~ The Veil Between Worlds https://pointofconvergence.net/the-veil-between-worlds-yossi-ronens-encounters-with-interdimensional-aliens-experience-of-non-duality/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-veil-between-worlds-yossi-ronens-encounters-with-interdimensional-aliens-experience-of-non-duality Sat, 18 Sep 2021 22:35:34 +0000 https://pointofconvergence.net/?p=1975 Listen by joining @ patreon.com/exoacademian

If one thing is clear as we look back over the course of 38 episodes of the Point of Convergence podcast, it’s that the so-called UFO Phenomenon is as complex and multifaceted as it is equal parts bewildering and fascinating. As I’ve mentioned numerous times before, while there is a temptation to reduce this complexity by making all of the anomalous phenomena observed and experienced about a single intelligence parading in a variety of different ways, I just don’t think this notion fits the data well when we look at it honestly and completely.

Rather, to me, when one considers the breadth and depth of the data gathered over the last century – and perhaps going back into the depth of human lore, it seems apparent that numerous non-human intelligences are appearing and interacting with us. And truth be told, the ways these various intelligences manifest before our eyes, and interact, manipulate, and sometimes control us, is just as varied as the plethora of supposed alien entities described within the literature of the UFO Phenomenon.

Some of these entities appear like what we might call solid, biological beings, with, one assumes, beating hearts and liquid blood of one color or another pulsing through their veins. Other intelligences seem to be better described as either post-biological or simply non-biological, and seem most often to manifest in forms made purely of light.

When one also considers the fullness of the data gathered, it is clear that some entities seem, from a moral point of view, perhaps no more sophisticated than us, and demonstrate, if not malevolent, then at least self-serving behaviors. And as we discussed last week, sometimes the actions of some of these Others are best described as representing a kind of symbiotic relationship with human beings – where both sides of the equation, us and them, gain something from the relationship.

Then there are beings like those encountered in the case we’re going to discuss today, the case of Israeli experiencer Yossi Ronen, who seem to demonstrate not just a moral superiority, when compared to us, but also what one might describe as a moral innocence – as if their evolution didn’t progress from self-serving to cosmocentric, so much so as the nature of their experience of reality always revealed to them, from the beginning, the interconnectedness of all that is; so that, from their point of view, harming another would be no different than harming oneself.

Yossi Ronen’s encounters with these beings was as life-altering as it was short and to the point. While the time spent in their presence was but a blink of the eye in comparison with the totality of the days of his life thus far, the impact for Ronen was as incontrovertible as it was irreversible. Never again would he be able to see reality the same way following his encounter. For he learned not just about a kind of intelligence beyond human, but a fundamental truth about the nature of reality itself, revealing a non-dual, interconnected totality best described in the term: oneness.

Yossi Ronen’s life-changing encounters with interdimensional aliens, and the revelations regarding the nature of ultimate reality that emerged as a result, are the topic of this, the 39th episode of the Point of Convergence Podcast.
