Listen by joining @ When UFO enthusiasts think back to the origins of the modern UFO Phenomenon, the decade of the 1940s certainly stands out. Of course this was the decade that saw the Roswell event reportedly happen: when a craft, apparently piloted by beings who were decidedly non-human, crashed into the desert of …
021 ~ The Psychokineticon
Listen by joining @ For some time now here on the Point of Convergence podcast, we’ve been discussing the many ways that various forms of high strangeness tend to, well, converge. As we’ve discussed previously, often that means an individual who’s experienced one form of high strangeness is quite likely to have experienced others …
020 ~ The Celestial Encounters
Listen by joining @ In recent months former Department of Defense employee Luis Elizondo, who ran the Pentagon’s UFO program, known as AATIP, or The Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, has made comments pinpointing experiences where senior Department of Defense officials attempted to shut down further investigation into UFOs, or, as they have been …
019 ~ The Otherworld Gates
Listen by joining @ When we look back at the history of the topic collectively referred to as “high strangeness”, it’s clear that, for a long time, various phenomena were studied as distinct fields of inquiry. And often, so-called ghost-hunters, Bigfoot investigators, and UFO researchers were distinct groups of people, who kept to their …
018 ~ The Simulation Masters
Listen by joining @ Not all that long ago it seems, the notion that our world may actually be a simulation, a massively and masterly orchestrated virtual reality, seemed a notion best left to science fiction writers. In fact, the idea didn’t even really gain traction until our own video game technology — rendered …
017 ~ Emissaries of Tomorrow
Listen by joining @ When it comes to proposed hypotheses offered to explain the intelligence behind the UFO Phenomenon, the extraterrestrial hypothesis is still the most common idea put forth. For the majority of the population, when confronted with the notion that a non-human intelligence is supposedly here, traversing the skies above our heads …
016 ~ The Visitors from Beyond
Listen by joining @ For almost as long as human beings have been attempting to document and study what is often collectively termed “high strangeness”, it has been assumed that various phenomena should be studied separately, as distinct fields of inquiry. Thus, when researchers wanted to conduct research and/or look for evidence suggesting human …
015 ~ Infused with Otherness
Listen by joining @ Believing intelligent non-human life exists elsewhere in the Cosmos is one thing. That notion now has widespread acceptance, even amongst die-hard scientific materialists. But believing that non-human intelligence is here, in our very own backward, so to speak, is something else entirely. For many, that notion flies in the face …
014 ~ Contact and Awakening
Listen by joining @ For almost as long as human beings have been looking up and spotting strange aerial vehicles making astonishing maneuvers in our skies, people have been reporting a parallel experience that in most people’s minds, is even stranger. I speak of direct contact with the supposed intelligence controlling these advanced craft. …
013 ~ The Indigenous Aliens
Listen by joining @ Even before H.G. Wells wrote his classic War of the Worlds, depicting an alien invasion on behalf of a technologically superior civilization from Mars, human beings have looked to the skies — meaning, more specifically, outer space — as the obvious source for visitation from a group of “Others”. As …