Listen by joining @ In 2017 the New York Times dropped a bombshell article detailing a secret government UFO program that included footage of newly categorized “UAP” – unidentified aerial phenomena. That article, published by a mainstream, industry-leading publication like the Times inspired other publications and news outlets all over the world to follow …
Remote Viewing
033 ~ A Spectrum of Contact
Listen by joining @ Much of the world has only recently begun to come to grips with the growing evidence emerging in the public sphere suggesting that sophisticated, non-human intelligences are apparently in our midst, buzzing in and around our skies both day and night. This revelation takes the notion that aliens might exist …
031 ~ Consciousness & Construct
Listen by joining @ For those tuned into more recent developments within the field of ufology, there is a clear recognition that the conversation has moved in some surprising directions. What began as an assumption that we were witnessing the presence of spacecraft being piloted by extraterrestrials has evolved into a much broader consideration …
021 ~ The Psychokineticon
Listen by joining @ For some time now here on the Point of Convergence podcast, we’ve been discussing the many ways that various forms of high strangeness tend to, well, converge. As we’ve discussed previously, often that means an individual who’s experienced one form of high strangeness is quite likely to have experienced others …
019 ~ The Otherworld Gates
Listen by joining @ When we look back at the history of the topic collectively referred to as “high strangeness”, it’s clear that, for a long time, various phenomena were studied as distinct fields of inquiry. And often, so-called ghost-hunters, Bigfoot investigators, and UFO researchers were distinct groups of people, who kept to their …
012 ~ Holographic Revelations
Listen by joining @ In the long-running history of the UFO Phenomenon, numerous aspects of encounters with these Others stretch our imaginations to the breaking point, pushing the outer limits of our capacity to even conceive of technologies that could accomplish what our eyes and others senses are telling us we’re apparently witnessing. In …
006 ~ Consciously Connected
Listen by joining @ Here on the Point of Convergence podcast we’ve been discussing how various categories of what’s often referred to as High Strangeness seem to overlap. Many of the same people who experience something like, say, precognition, have also seen a UFO in the sky, or sensed mysterious presences nearby, apparently just …
001 ~ UFOs and the Phenomenon
Listen by joining @ In this inaugural episode of the Point of Convergence podcast, ExoAcademian discusses how ufology: the study of UFOs and the Phenomenon, really belongs within the scope of a much larger question, addressing the very nature of reality itself. And this is because UFO sightings and contact with non-human intelligence share …