Point of Convergence https://pointofconvergence.net The UFO Phenomenon, High Strangeness & Consciousness Wed, 15 Jan 2025 05:20:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://pointofconvergence.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/cropped-exo-sq-32x32.png Point of Convergence https://pointofconvergence.net 32 32 187846100 110 ~ Messaging the Anomalous https://pointofconvergence.net/110-messaging-the-anomalous/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=110-messaging-the-anomalous Sat, 21 Dec 2024 05:14:07 +0000 https://pointofconvergence.net/?p=6333 For those who have been involved in ufology for decades, the last few weeks have been particularly noteworthy. And that’s because what we’ve been seeing unfolding in our midst can best be described by a term reserved only for historical events involving a verifiable barrage of unidentified flying objects. The term in question is “flap”. And, without doubt, we have indeed been living through one of those moments. And of course, as many predicted would be the case, with almost everyone in the modern world walking around with a smartphone, the footage being captured during this modern-day flap has been, to say the least, abundant.

That being the case, plenty of controversy and difference of opinion has also been a-swarm, along with these apparently unidentified anomalous phenomena. And that’s because there is more than one perspective being floated to explain what is being observed. In addition to smartphones, the modern world has also equipped us with a new kind of aerial vehicle; a vehicle known, of course, as a “drone”. These are unmanned vehicles that, while at first suffering from pretty considerable limitations in terms of range and flight time, have become increasingly sophisticated over the last few years, to the point where future wars will eventually be fought with these kinds of vehicles dominating the skies.

While the conventional crowd will cry foul, suggesting this is not a flap at all, but merely a period of increased drone activity, some of the data being captured simply don’t support such a one-dimensional hypothesis. And that’s because the behavior of these vehicles has been reported – on numerous occasions – to be… well, anomalous. That is to say, while not every one of the aerial objects capturing attention – and stoking concern – seem better described as UAP, rather than drones, some definitely are. In fact, Lue Elizondo, who coined the term “the 5 observables” to define a UAP, has come out publicly stating that some of these objects are indeed displaying such behavior. And in that sense, they are therefore, by definition: UAP.

Of course, the behavior and plenitude of these objects in our skies alone does not explain why this particular flap is causing so much concern, and raising so much ire for an increasingly broad swath of our government, and our society at large. Even more concerning is the fact that these vehicles are operating – with apparent impunity – above the most secure, sensitive air bases and nuclear sites the United States possesses. Even, for instance, forcing the closing of the ufologically famous Wright-Patterson air force base in the process. And to the skeptics saying there’s nothing to see here but the standard hobby and commercial drones, Lue Elizondo, again, has aptly pointed out that: “You don’t close U.S. military air bases because there’s legally flying commercial drones in your airspace. That doesn’t make sense.”

But if they’re not commercial or hobby drones, then that of course raises concerns that these may be the property of U.S. adversaries like China or Russia, stoking fears that such a provocation could suggest we’re on the verge of WW3. But to counter this notion, U.S. authorities have repeatedly stated that they do not believe these are the property of U.S. adversaries. And furthermore, these sightings have spread well beyond the United States, now appearing in countries right around the world. To add further spice to an historical flap of epic proportions, in addition to the so-called “drones” – or “drone-like” vehicles, what are also being sighted regularly in the U.S. northeast and around the world, are the so-called orbs that have drawn increasing focus amongst ufologists over the last few years.

So with all this said, what exactly is going on here? Let’s call out the elephant in the room and ask: are these vehicles, at least a portion of them, being operated by non-human intelligences? And does the scale of this operation suggest that we are, as we speak, experiencing what has come to be known as “catastrophic disclosure”? And if that is the case, this prompts a further question: why now? Is all of this anomalous activity tied to the convergence of daunting forces that seem to have humankind dancing at the precipice of self-destruction? These are precisely the matters we’ll seek to engage with in this, the 110th episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.

105 – Technologies of Contact https://pointofconvergence.net/105-technologies-of-contact/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=105-technologies-of-contact Sat, 10 Aug 2024 12:00:27 +0000 https://pointofconvergence.net/?p=6040

While modern ufology has been a component of our cultural zeitgeist for decades and decades now, during much of that time it has generally been seen as a matter for astrophysicists and aviation experts. While ground-breaking researchers such as Jacques Vallee, John Keel and J. Allen Hynek, as early as the 1970s, suggested the anomalous and highly strange nature of the data takes us well beyond that kind of conventional inquiry, even today, the mainstream still tends to think of UFOs (now monikered as UAP) and NHI – the fancy new name for what we use to call “aliens”, as involving interstellar travelers arriving at Earth in sophisticated spacecraft.

For many, especially in still physicalist-centric Western civilization, this kind of enterprise represents, at least in potentia, a new kind of contact, and a new possibility for communication that takes us beyond what we’ve been limited to amongst our own species over the milenia. But, here again, the data – when one actually looks squarely into them – take us well beyond that notion. And that’s because – contact – and specifically contact with apparently non-human and non-conventionally human intelligences – has supposedly already been happening. The varieties of contact technologies or modalities that have meditated this non-ordinary kind of communication include mediumship/channeling, shamanic journeying, CE-5/HICE, dreams, psychedelics, and even fever states.

In other words, the issue seems to be not one of needing to wait for interstellar travelers to arrive to finally give us this opportunity, for it’s been available to us all along, with some cultures and people groups being more privy to this fact than others. Interestingly, these various modalities of contact and communication also seem to be possible regardless of what would seem to be the expected language and even species-specific differences. And that’s because mind-to-mind communication, known in parapsychological circles as telepathy, seems to be the general rule rather than the exception in these endeavors, thus bypassing the need for translation of written and spoken languages altogether.

But of course, these startling revelations raise further questions: if the issue is not one of needing to wait for interstellar travelers to arrive via superliminal (that is, faster than light) travel, then how exactly is this contact and communication happening? Have they been here – in our so-called “physical” space – all along? Or does the nature of this contact suggest space, and for that matter, time, is simply not what we’ve long assumed? How is it that these various contact technologies are able to connect us with alternative forms of sophisticated sentience, and what do they have in common that makes them effective? These are the captivating and consequential matters we’ll seek to engage with in this, the 105th episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.

090 ~ Of Accords & Abductions https://pointofconvergence.net/of-accords-abductions-an-insider-account-of-alien-u-s-military-cooperation/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=of-accords-abductions-an-insider-account-of-alien-u-s-military-cooperation Sun, 24 Sep 2023 00:48:12 +0000 https://pointofconvergence.net/?p=5053 https://pointofconvergence.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Ep90.mp3

For a long period of modern history the matter of the so-called UFO Phenomenon remained a topic cast to the fringes of discourse. While there has always been a committed community of people dedicated to getting to the bottom of this enduring, enigmatic mystery, that group has operated – for the most part – in the margins of polite society. And while the general public has long believed in the likely existence of extraterrestrial life in the cosmos – as have astrophysicists, for that matter – the subject of some of that sophisticated alien life already being in our midst has been a different matter altogether; one, for the most part, subjected to the conspiracy theory bin amongst the mainstream.

That clear distinction between these two statements – that other life exists in the cosmos, and that some of that life is already visiting us – began to dissolve somewhat with the revelations brought forward by David Grusch; an insider who had come into contact with clear evidence not just of the presence of these “aliens” in our midst, but furthermore of contact, communication and even agreements being made between elements of the U.S. government and its military services and these factions of so-called non-human intelligence.

For those subjected to the historic enterprise known as alien abduction, these revelations raised new and troubling questions about just how much human governments have not only known about this matter – despite their public denials – but may have been party to them. It is one thing to come to grips with the notion that sophisticated intelligences are able to take you from the comfort of your home with impunity. It is another matter altogether to learn that perhaps your own government has been privy to these activities; and that may have been part of an accord struck between these other intelligences and human governments.

And yet, this is precisely what is on the table; not just as a result of the allegations brought forward by David Grusch, but also because of details that have been provided elsewhere, going into greater detail as to the nature of these accords as they pertain to the matter of abductions. In this week’s podcast we’re going to delve into once such account that purports to describe the nature of the cooperative aspect of these events; detailing how a deeply compartmented element of the U.S. air force was made aware of abductions via telepathic communication received by personnel who had been genetically altered to enhance their capacity to receive said messages from the faction of non-human intelligence who had made this accord.

If true, the implications of this account are not only consequential, but, for many, they are also deeply disquieting. But of course such topics are not ones we shy away from on this podcast. Just how much have human governments – or segmented aspects of them – actually known about these historic abductions? And how exactly was intel passed from an alien faction to a group of human beings privy to this sweeping enterprise? These are precisely the matters we’ll be delving into in this, the 90th episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.

069 ~ The Inquiring Mind (Q&A) #4 https://pointofconvergence.net/the-inquiring-mind-qa-on-light-beings-milabs-the-contact-modalities/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-inquiring-mind-qa-on-light-beings-milabs-the-contact-modalities Tue, 05 Jul 2022 14:04:56 +0000 https://pointofconvergence.net/?p=2858 https://pointofconvergence.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/ep69.mp3

Over the course of the history of this podcast, I have taken several opportunities to publish a special edition of the podcast, where I answer audience questions, in a feature I call The Inquiring Mind. This week’s episode mark’s the occasion where I do this for a 4th time. Now, since the 3rd edition of the Inquiring Mind, which launched several months ago, you could say a few things have changed.

Perhaps the most significant change came recently, when I posted an actual photo of myself to social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. I followed that up this past week with my first two video interviews, first for James Iandoli’s Engaging the Phenomenon podcast and YouTube channel, and then for Kelly Chase’s The UFO Rabbit Hole YouTube channel. There are other interviews scheduled in the near future as well, which I will let people know about as they become available.

Part of the interest that has arisen lately relates to an event I attended at the Monroe Institute back at the end of May. Regular listeners to the podcast may recall that I discussed events from that multi-day retreat in Episode 67, which was titled Human Initiated Contact: On Proactive Communication with Non-Human Intelligence. That event marked a new season in my history as a researcher of the UFO Phenomenon and its intersection with other topics of interest, such as near death experiences, out of body experiences, and psi phenomena like telepathy, psychokinesis and precognition.

This new season involves me doing actual field research, where I travel to various locations to join with others in actively exploring these various points of convergence. As it turns out, at the time of the launch of this podcast, I will be away for a second time doing active field research. The fruit of that experience I hope to report on in future episodes of this podcast.

These new opportunities to connect with various players in this field, including both leading researchers and individuals Joseph Burkes has deemed, prime contactees, is yet another of the many profound opportunities that have arisen since I first started this podcast, some 18 months ago. It goes without saying that I really had no idea then, the many avenues this profound path of discovery would open up before me. Here’s to that journey of adventure and fascination, as it continues to manifest in each of our lives.

But for now, without further adieu, let’s get back to the matter at hand: which has to do with me answering more of the thoughtful and thought-provoking questions that you, the audience, have sent in, for this latest edition of the Inquiring Mind feature, in this, the 69th episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.

064 ~ The Sequestered Society https://pointofconvergence.net/the-sequestered-society-examining-the-notion-of-a-breakaway-human-group/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-sequestered-society-examining-the-notion-of-a-breakaway-human-group Sat, 23 Apr 2022 14:10:58 +0000 https://pointofconvergence.net/?p=2395 https://pointofconvergence.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/ep64.mp3

When strange and sophisticated aerial vehicles were first spotted buzzing in and around our skies in a series of flaps during the period of the 1940s, many assumed these represented the visitation of an extraterrestrial species. The beyond next-gen characteristics of these advanced craft – where they could travel at incredible rates of speed, hover in place, and make 90 degree turns on a dime – suggested to most that these could not logically be the property of any known nation-state actor. The technological prowess of these so-called unidentified flying objects was simply too advanced to be of terrestrial origin.

It is therefore not surprising that the seemingly logical conclusion that many came to was that these simply must be visitors from beyond our planet. At first, when the barrenness of the planets of our own solar system was not yet fully realized, many assumed these to be visiting Martians or Venusians. And then as our surveying of the planets of our own solar neighborhood showed them to be lifeless, ufologists and the public alike began to wonder from which extra-solar source these beings were coming from. But again, the assumption was still that these must be visitors from “outer space”. After all, that seemed to be the only frontier we had yet to explore.

Since those early days of the flying saucer phenomenon, other – and to most, more exotic – hypotheses have arisen, suggesting these Others may be interdimensional in nature, or perhaps even time-traveling humans from our future. Some researchers suggest both extraterrestrials and interdimensionals may be in the mix.

In the course of that conversation, again, the assumption has been that these must be something non-terrestrial in nature, because the sophistication of the craft themselves suggest no known nation-state actor could have developed such beyond next-gen technology. However, there is one key assumption being made here: and that is that it is only the known nation-state actors: The United States, Russia, etc, that could possibly even get close to this level of technological prowess.

The pertinent question to ask here is: is that a fair assumption to make? Is it only nation-state actors that we need to account for? Or is it possible that some other human group, not usually accounted for, could actually be responsible for the design and development of these UFOs – or at least some of them?

Perhaps to many people’s surprise, there is a rather daunting amount of historical evidence suggesting the possibility that these craft – or again – at least some of them – could actually be the property of a rogue group of scientifically-oriented techno-military elites that may have broken off from conventional society sometime during the middle part of the 20th century, not long after, we should note, the first series of sightings of disk-like craft.

But what is the nature of this evidence? And does it get even close to passing muster in terms of suggesting that a truly sequestered society might exist, in our very midst? Is it possible that some of the beyond next-gen vehicles that have been spotted in our skies might actually be of terrestrial origin, after all – even if that terrestrial origin is of a non-conventional nature – one that exists beyond the scope of our nation-state global system? These are the very questions we’ll seek to engage with in this, the 64th episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.

052 ~ The Inquiring Mind (Q&A) #2 https://pointofconvergence.net/the-inquiring-mind-qa-on-alien-disinformation-and-cover-up-collusion-more/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-inquiring-mind-qa-on-alien-disinformation-and-cover-up-collusion-more Fri, 17 Dec 2021 04:59:41 +0000 https://pointofconvergence.net/?p=2150 https://pointofconvergence.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/ep52.mp3

As we approach the one year anniversary of the Point of Convergence podcast – now only days away – it’s useful to stop and reflect on the sheer wealth of the diverse and captivating material we’ve covered during the past 12 months. Over the past 50+ episodes we’ve pivoted between a micro and a macro view of this phenomenon, discussing the mind-boggling details of individual encounters with these beings perhaps best described as “the Others”, while also examining the overarching trends and common data-points observed, as we’ve endeavored to piece together a meaningful narrative to help us understand – at least in part – the totality of what is going on.

And, during these last 12 months, while we’ve been busy perusing the so-called experiencer literature that has grown into an enormous volume of data over the decades, we’ve seen – out of the corner of our eye, as it were – that this topic: commonly referred to as “the UFO Phenomenon”, has even begun to finally pierce the veil of the mainstream. Indeed, in recent weeks we’ve seen the momentum that began in December 2017 with a remarkable piece in the New York Times, culminate in the passing of Congressional amendments that are poised to create an officially sanctioned office to gather, process and collate information pertaining specifically to UAP – unidentified aerial phenomena, aka UFOs.

But our journey together has been about much more than an investigation of the strange and sophisticated craft buzzing in and around the skies above our heads, and of the bizarre and often life-changing encounters people have had with beings that seem decidedly otherworldly. We’ve also traced a point of convergence, if you will, where capacities that exist along the so-called psi spectrum seem to overlap with the data belonging to UFOs and aliens. Fascinatingly, not only do these Others – these non-human intelligences – seem to demonstrate a startling capacity for abilities such as telepathy, psychokinesis, and clairvoyance, but so too do human beings, suggesting perhaps our connection to them is closer than many of us have first imagined.

Indeed other human experiences reported across time; here we speak of events such as out of body experiences, near death experiences, subtle state sensing and astral travel – also seem to meet at a point of convergence with data usually squarely bookmarked within the UFO Phenomenon. And we’ve discussed how, in total, this remarkably illuminating point of convergence seems to be suggesting something fundamental about ultimate reality itself; laying bare the evidently central role that capital “C” consciousness seems to play as the bedrock of all that is; serving as a substrate that not only gives rise to secondary phenomena such as matter and energy, but that seems to connect everything and everyone in the Kosmos, which is perhaps best described as a multi-dimensional multiverse, potentially teeming with life.

As we’ve tracked this trajectory that has – I’m sure you’ll agree – proven to be, at times, as equally baffling and bewildering as it has bewitching and transfixing, no doubt questions have arisen in the minds of you, the audience. And that’s probably true whether you hopped on this train at the first stop around this time last year, or whether you’ve jumped on-board on one of our more recent episode stops. Either way, now seems like an apt time to explore some of those questions in the second edition of a feature titled The Inquiring Mind, where I engage with some of the thoughtful and insightful questions you the audience have sent in over the last couple of months.

And so now, without further adieu, let’s jump into these thought-provoking questions as part of this Inquiring Mind feature, in this, the 52nd episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.

048 ~ The Extratempestrial Greys https://pointofconvergence.net/the-extratempestrial-greys-plotting-an-evolutionary-path-between-modern-humans-the-grey-aliens-of-tomorrow/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-extratempestrial-greys-plotting-an-evolutionary-path-between-modern-humans-the-grey-aliens-of-tomorrow Sat, 20 Nov 2021 20:04:33 +0000 https://pointofconvergence.net/?p=2075 Listen by joining @ patreon.com/exoacademian

Over the past couple of episodes of the Point of Convergence podcast we’ve been examining two distinct but related matters:

1.) That various intel sources – sources trusted by credible individuals such as Australian journalist Ross Coulthart and British intelligence analyst Franc Milburn – have divulged the apparent existence of various factions of future-humans who have been intervening in affairs in our present time in order to impact the potential arising of a cataclysmic event that lies — allegedly — in our very not distant future.

And, 2.) That further evolution, especially after something like a cataclysmic environmental event, could very likely give rise to a species of neo-humans who would look very much like the quintessential “grey aliens” we’ve all become very familiar with.

It should be clearly understood, as I just noted above, that while these matters may be related, the notion that at least some of the “grey aliens” contactees/abductees have interacted with are time-traveling future neo-humans can (and, I would argue) should be considered on its own merits. And I think the grounds for this possibility are remarkably compelling, especially once you really gig into the pertinent details. Much of the evidence we’ll discuss today in that regard comes from anthropologist and evolutionary biologist Michael Masters’ book Identified Flying Objects: A Multidisciplinary Scientific Approach to the UFO Phenomenon.

Not only does Masters lay out a thorough and convincing case that so-called “grey aliens” are best understood as being a later arising along the same genetic line that began with chimpanzees and later gave rise to modern homo sapiens, but he makes an equally strong case that two-way time travel is not only a theoretical possibility, but a very likely eventuality based on our ongoing technological development. He also clarifies that many of the seemingly unworkable paradoxes that arise with the notion of time travel are rooted in our misapprehension of how time actually works, and indeed, what it actually is.

In today’s podcast, in addition to a deeper dive into Masters’ bold but well-supported arguments, we’ll examine additional lines of evidence that relate to the intel reports suggesting timeline manipulation by factions of future humans may already be happening.

Are time-traveling future neo-humans the missing link in making sense of the UFO Phenomenon that has eluded us for decades? Or at least, of making sense of a large swath of the data and activity and interactions observed? These are precisely the matters we’ll seek to unravel in this, the 48th episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.

047 ~ Of Cycles & Civilizations https://pointofconvergence.net/of-cycles-civilizations-time-travelling-neo-human-greys-intel-reports-of-repeated-earth-cataclysms/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=of-cycles-civilizations-time-travelling-neo-human-greys-intel-reports-of-repeated-earth-cataclysms Sat, 13 Nov 2021 16:46:29 +0000 https://pointofconvergence.net/?p=2064 Listen by joining @ patreon.com/exoacademian

For those of us intimately familiar with the data behind what we colloquially refer to as the UFO Phenomenon, one thing is abundantly clear: we are being visited by beings that are not conventionally human. Beings that, for lack of a better term, we call “aliens”. Aliens here being a term that, in its most general sense, simply simply means “other” – and doesn’t necessarily refer to intelligences arising from some far flung star system, i.e. outer space.

Furthermore, not only are we being visited by these “aliens”, but they – some of them, anyway – are interacting with us in some very bizarre, and for some, disturbing ways; including, apparently, for the sake of harvesting genetic material and even to create what for all intents and purposes appear to be hybridized offspring – beings that are part alien and part human.

That’s the “what” of the UFO Phenomenon. That’s what’s been observed in terms of what’s happening. Again, these are complex matters that, as I’ve argued time and time again, likely involve various phenomena (plural), underlyingly consisting of multiple actors with multiple agendas, and involving origins that may be as diverse as the types of beings described. In that sense, extraterrestrials, interdimensionals, extradimensionals, etc, are very likely — according to my view — all in the picture. In other words, I tick the “all of the above” answer on that particular multiple choice question.

But now that we’ve identified much of the “what’s happening” piece – here I’m specifically referring to craft in our skies that show evidence of technology that is not only sophisticated, but that also shows clear evidence of the apparent warping of spacetime, and to beings that are taking people aboard craft and elsewhere, and performing strange biological experiments and harvesting genetic, reproductive material, and then, often, introducing the apparent hybridized offspring to humans, sometimes to perform various bonding procedures, the question now turns to the “why”. Why would they be doing this?

Well, amongst numerous postulated explanations, one that stands out from the pack, from my point of view, is the notion that these Others, or again, a certain segment of them, are in some way related to modern human beings, and that their endeavor to extract genetic material from us is because they need this material somehow. In fact, experiencers have repeatedly been told messages such as “if we could do this any other way, we would”, or, “we do this because it’s necessary”.

Now while this might sound outlandish at first glance – how would they be related to us, some might ask – that question becomes much simpler to answer once you add in the possibility of time travel. And this brings us to the Future Human Hypothesis, the notion that these Others, or again, at least SOME of them, are our very own progeny, perhaps coming from the distant future, who now look like the quintessential grey alien because they’ve evolved on an Earth that has decidedly different environmental conditions than the one we live on today.

Now, when you tie in reports arising from deeply imbedded intelligence community sources, suggesting there is indeed evidence suggesting these “aliens” are indeed future humans, and not just one group, but multiple factions, coming from different points in time downstream from our present day, and that their reason for being here is tied to the arising of some kind of cataclysm that is supposedly going to happen in our not very distant future, then much of the total picture begins to take shape. At least potentially.

But how likely is it that these Others, some of them anyway, may actually be neo-humans, our very descendants? And how credible is the notion that they may be here to manipulate our timeline as it pertains to some near-future cataclysm? And how might this apparent apocalyptic event relate to previous cataclysms that have happened in Earth’s history; cataclysms that may actually be recurring events, events that perhaps only arise once every few thousand years or so? These are the intriguing and essential matters we’ll see to engage with in this, the 47th episode, of the Point of Convergence podcast.

046 ~ UFOs & Timeline Factions https://pointofconvergence.net/ufos-timeline-factions-reports-of-future-humans-warring-over-the-coming-planet-wide-cataclysm/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=ufos-timeline-factions-reports-of-future-humans-warring-over-the-coming-planet-wide-cataclysm Sat, 06 Nov 2021 21:39:47 +0000 https://pointofconvergence.net/?p=2055 Listen by joining @ patreon.com/exoacademian

Ever since the dawn of the modern era of flying saucers people have been speculating as to where these apparent visitors were coming from. For decades the leading candidate, in terms of explanations, was of course the ETH: the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis, which postulated that the beings piloting these sophisticated craft were from some far-flung star system, perhaps here not so much to conquer us, but rather to study us, in the spirit of an ambitious intergalactic scientific expedition.

However, as the decades moved along and as detailed data was gathered for the first time, the ubiquitousness of the ETH began to be questioned. Some of the leading experts in the field, such as Jacques Vallee and his own time colleague J.Allen Hynek, early proponents of the ETH, later came to conclude that something like the interdimensional hypothesis was a more likely explanation for what was being observed. This notion postulated that these Others were slipping into our reality via some kind of portal from a parallel reality. Vallee suggested these may even be the same creatures that humans were encountering in distant lore.

While these and other, even more outlandish hypotheses are bandied about on social media, deep pockets of secretive government programs, and certain corners of obscure academia, there is another hypothesis that many seemingly overlook. For those who champion this alternate hypothesis, it is claimed that this hypothesis is in many ways simpler, and exists without violating any known notions of physics, and is thus a stronger candidate than its competitors.

Here I speak of the so-called Future Human Hypothesis: the notion that these Others, or at least some of them, represent a group of our very own descendants who, with their more sophisticated technological understanding, have mastered time travel, allowing them to temporally relocate to our time period. Now, for long periods of time the common assumption was that these future humans were basically nothing more than spectators, peering in on our existence the same way we might take in a period piece at our local cinema.

However, recent details have emerged that call this common assumption into question. In fact new revelations suggest that perhaps these future humans are not here as mere sight seers, but rather as active agents in some plan to alter the historical timeline. What’s even more startling is that these notions appear not to be emerging from some dubious corner of social media, but directly from within the U.S. and other nation’s intelligence communities.

Could this be disinformation? The long historical record of government involvement in this area suggests we should always be wary of this possibility. Is this a distraction meant to throw enthusiasts off the true scent? Or is there something to this? Something to the notion that not just one, but perhaps multiple different factions of future humans – some who look like us, and some who appear to resemble the so-called greys of ufological lore – are here, as competing parties, each trying to manipulate the trajectory of our civilization’s history?

What is the evidence for this? And what relationship do these purported attempts at timeline interference have to do with a purported cataclysmic event that lies somewhere in our near future? These are the very matters we’ll seek to make sense of in this, the 46th episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.

044 ~ Defining the New Normal https://pointofconvergence.net/defining-the-new-normal-the-implications-arising-from-skinwalkers-at-the-pentagon/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=defining-the-new-normal-the-implications-arising-from-skinwalkers-at-the-pentagon Sat, 23 Oct 2021 14:10:32 +0000 https://pointofconvergence.net/?p=2033 Listen by joining @ patreon.com/exoacademian

Just as someone interested in matters such as the UFO Phenomenon and the so-called “paranormal” aspects of reality begins to conclude that these topics will always remain on the very fringes of both our collective radar and our collective curiosity, a startling piece of news comes to the fore, demonstrating that, as painstakingly slow as it may feel to those of us deeply invested in these matters, the collective imagination does eventually come around, finally entertaining and investigating these fascinating dimensions of reality.

Such news emerged with fresh, startling clarity in recent weeks with the publication of a trailblazing new book titled Skinwalkers at the Pentagon: An Insiders’ Account of the Secret Government UFO Program. The book, penned by James, Lacatski, Colm Kelleher, & George Knapp, details a truly ground-breaking program known as AAWSAP – the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program, that approached the topic of UAP – unidentified aerial phenomena – with a refreshingly broad lens, recognizing the uncanny but unmistakable connection between the UFO Phenomenon and what has come to be referred to as “high strangeness” or “the paranormal”.

It is one thing for a forward-thinking private think tank or some paradigm-challenging corner of academia to explore these matters. It is something else entirely for an official government body to do so. And yet, this is exactly the story we learn about in this book. The DIA – the Defense Intelligence Agency – steered 22 million dollars in tax-payer funds towards precisely this endeavor.

And, as is stated in the book, “AAWSAP personnel chose to launch the UAP program with as broad a scope as possible” and to “research paranormal phenomena that co-locate with UAPs and to examine psychic effects in UAP witnesses in addition to scrutinizing the core UAP technology itself.”

While this broad-reaching net was as ambitious as it was unorthodox, to say the least, ultimately the data it produced proved revelatory. And while the program seemingly opened up more new questions than it ever managed to answer, the findings are nevertheless essential, because they help to define the direction such research needs to take in the months and years to come.

It should not be surprising, however, that so many new questions emerged at the culmination of the AAWSAP program. Because, ultimately, these findings point towards the undeniable necessity to expand our current model of reality. But what were these revelations? And what do they hint towards in regards to the very fabric of what we call “the real”? These are precisely the matters we’ll seek to engage with in this, the 44th episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.
