Point of Convergence https://pointofconvergence.net The UFO Phenomenon, High Strangeness & Consciousness Wed, 15 Jan 2025 05:20:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://pointofconvergence.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/cropped-exo-sq-32x32.png Point of Convergence https://pointofconvergence.net 32 32 187846100 110 ~ Messaging the Anomalous https://pointofconvergence.net/110-messaging-the-anomalous/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=110-messaging-the-anomalous https://pointofconvergence.net/110-messaging-the-anomalous/#respond Sat, 21 Dec 2024 05:14:07 +0000 https://pointofconvergence.net/?p=6333 For those who have been involved in ufology for decades, the last few weeks have been particularly noteworthy. And that’s because what we’ve been seeing unfolding in our midst can best be described by a term reserved only for historical events involving a verifiable barrage of unidentified flying objects. The term in question is “flap”. And, without doubt, we have indeed been living through one of those moments. And of course, as many predicted would be the case, with almost everyone in the modern world walking around with a smartphone, the footage being captured during this modern-day flap has been, to say the least, abundant.

That being the case, plenty of controversy and difference of opinion has also been a-swarm, along with these apparently unidentified anomalous phenomena. And that’s because there is more than one perspective being floated to explain what is being observed. In addition to smartphones, the modern world has also equipped us with a new kind of aerial vehicle; a vehicle known, of course, as a “drone”. These are unmanned vehicles that, while at first suffering from pretty considerable limitations in terms of range and flight time, have become increasingly sophisticated over the last few years, to the point where future wars will eventually be fought with these kinds of vehicles dominating the skies.

While the conventional crowd will cry foul, suggesting this is not a flap at all, but merely a period of increased drone activity, some of the data being captured simply don’t support such a one-dimensional hypothesis. And that’s because the behavior of these vehicles has been reported – on numerous occasions – to be… well, anomalous. That is to say, while not every one of the aerial objects capturing attention – and stoking concern – seem better described as UAP, rather than drones, some definitely are. In fact, Lue Elizondo, who coined the term “the 5 observables” to define a UAP, has come out publicly stating that some of these objects are indeed displaying such behavior. And in that sense, they are therefore, by definition: UAP.

Of course, the behavior and plenitude of these objects in our skies alone does not explain why this particular flap is causing so much concern, and raising so much ire for an increasingly broad swath of our government, and our society at large. Even more concerning is the fact that these vehicles are operating – with apparent impunity – above the most secure, sensitive air bases and nuclear sites the United States possesses. Even, for instance, forcing the closing of the ufologically famous Wright-Patterson air force base in the process. And to the skeptics saying there’s nothing to see here but the standard hobby and commercial drones, Lue Elizondo, again, has aptly pointed out that: “You don’t close U.S. military air bases because there’s legally flying commercial drones in your airspace. That doesn’t make sense.”

But if they’re not commercial or hobby drones, then that of course raises concerns that these may be the property of U.S. adversaries like China or Russia, stoking fears that such a provocation could suggest we’re on the verge of WW3. But to counter this notion, U.S. authorities have repeatedly stated that they do not believe these are the property of U.S. adversaries. And furthermore, these sightings have spread well beyond the United States, now appearing in countries right around the world. To add further spice to an historical flap of epic proportions, in addition to the so-called “drones” – or “drone-like” vehicles, what are also being sighted regularly in the U.S. northeast and around the world, are the so-called orbs that have drawn increasing focus amongst ufologists over the last few years.

So with all this said, what exactly is going on here? Let’s call out the elephant in the room and ask: are these vehicles, at least a portion of them, being operated by non-human intelligences? And does the scale of this operation suggest that we are, as we speak, experiencing what has come to be known as “catastrophic disclosure”? And if that is the case, this prompts a further question: why now? Is all of this anomalous activity tied to the convergence of daunting forces that seem to have humankind dancing at the precipice of self-destruction? These are precisely the matters we’ll seek to engage with in this, the 110th episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.

https://pointofconvergence.net/110-messaging-the-anomalous/feed/ 0 6333
108 ~ A Collapsing of Constructs https://pointofconvergence.net/108-a-collapsing-of-constructs/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=108-a-collapsing-of-constructs Sun, 13 Oct 2024 00:00:22 +0000 https://pointofconvergence.net/?p=6226

As our society begins to host dinner-table conversations around the reality of non-human intelligences co-occupying our space here on and around planet Earth, certain assumptions are inevitably being applied before even a single word is spoken. On previous episodes of this podcast we’ve discussed how the notion that these beings are extraterrestrials, that is to say – “space aliens” – has been one of the most frequent assumptions applied.

Even today, that continues to be the case, because the other origin hypotheses that had been floated; namely interdimensional, extradimensional/celestial, cryptoterrestrial, ultraterrestrial, extratempestrial, etc, are really only being bandied about within the dedicated ufological community. We (those who are part of that community, that is) know, of course, that it is the data themselves that lead people to these other possibilities; but Joe and Jane Public just are not there yet. They’re still parsing along the lines of the headline grabbing: “we’re not alone, and they’re here!”

As it turns out, though, that pre-assigned notion as to origins is just one of a whole host of assumptions regularly being applied to this matter of the UFO Phenomenon. And again, for those of us intimately familiar with this topic, we know full well that the many of the other assumptions being applied are equally as either questionable, or fully outdated, in light of the decades–and many would argue, even centuries or even millennia-long–data at our disposal.

While those who’ve been in this field the longest–the true “lifers”–if you will, are no doubt cheering the entrance of mainstream academia into the mix in recent years, I would caution that this segment of our society is bringing its own set of pre-existing assumptions to the table as well.

And, again, some of those assumptions just don’t play well with this data. And in our race for conventional recognition, we should be careful to not sell the process short, because academia, too, will have its understanding stretched (to say the very least) by the nature of this data.

This same is true for religious adherents of one form or another. The fact that this data does seem to include what we might call “spiritual overtones” often leads this religiously-affiliated segment of our civilization to the conclusion that this puts the UFO Phenomenon data firmly in their worldview camp, leading them to gleefully proclaim that this shows that they’ve been “right all along”. In both these cases (for those academically and/or religiously inclined), the problem arises in their assumption that the interpretive grid they have at their disposal is generally sufficient to make sense of this anomalous data, and that all they need to do now is slot various data points into various categories of pre-agreed meaning.

Simply put, that will not work. I tend to agree with Peter Levenda’s contention here, suggesting that what this data really asks us to do is consider our reality models from the perspective of the Phenomenon, and not the other way around. The question then becomes: as we do this, just how far afield will this take us? And what elements of our various pre-existing conceptual models will be left standing when we’re done?

And what alternatives might we tentatively put in their place? And these are precisely the issues we’ll seek to engage with in this, the 108th episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.

105 – Technologies of Contact https://pointofconvergence.net/105-technologies-of-contact/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=105-technologies-of-contact Sat, 10 Aug 2024 12:00:27 +0000 https://pointofconvergence.net/?p=6040 https://pointofconvergence.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Ep105.mp3

While modern ufology has been a component of our cultural zeitgeist for decades and decades now, during much of that time it has generally been seen as a matter for astrophysicists and aviation experts. While ground-breaking researchers such as Jacques Vallee, John Keel and J. Allen Hynek, as early as the 1970s, suggested the anomalous and highly strange nature of the data takes us well beyond that kind of conventional inquiry, even today, the mainstream still tends to think of UFOs (now monikered as UAP) and NHI – the fancy new name for what we use to call “aliens”, as involving interstellar travelers arriving at Earth in sophisticated spacecraft.

For many, especially in still physicalist-centric Western civilization, this kind of enterprise represents, at least in potentia, a new kind of contact, and a new possibility for communication that takes us beyond what we’ve been limited to amongst our own species over the milenia. But, here again, the data – when one actually looks squarely into them – take us well beyond that notion. And that’s because – contact – and specifically contact with apparently non-human and non-conventionally human intelligences – has supposedly already been happening. The varieties of contact technologies or modalities that have meditated this non-ordinary kind of communication include mediumship/channeling, shamanic journeying, CE-5/HICE, dreams, psychedelics, and even fever states.

In other words, the issue seems to be not one of needing to wait for interstellar travelers to arrive to finally give us this opportunity, for it’s been available to us all along, with some cultures and people groups being more privy to this fact than others. Interestingly, these various modalities of contact and communication also seem to be possible regardless of what would seem to be the expected language and even species-specific differences. And that’s because mind-to-mind communication, known in parapsychological circles as telepathy, seems to be the general rule rather than the exception in these endeavors, thus bypassing the need for translation of written and spoken languages altogether.

But of course, these startling revelations raise further questions: if the issue is not one of needing to wait for interstellar travelers to arrive via superliminal (that is, faster than light) travel, then how exactly is this contact and communication happening? Have they been here – in our so-called “physical” space – all along? Or does the nature of this contact suggest space, and for that matter, time, is simply not what we’ve long assumed? How is it that these various contact technologies are able to connect us with alternative forms of sophisticated sentience, and what do they have in common that makes them effective? These are the captivating and consequential matters we’ll seek to engage with in this, the 105th episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.

104 ~ Consciousness Continuum https://pointofconvergence.net/104-consciousness-continuum/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=104-consciousness-continuum Sat, 29 Jun 2024 13:54:53 +0000 https://pointofconvergence.net/?p=5919 https://pointofconvergence.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Ep104.mp3

Beginning with the revelations that arose in a now famous 2017 New York Times article titled “Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program”, and further brought to light with the allegations made by former military insiders like Luis Elizondo and David Grusch, the general public is being slowly acclimated to a reality that those of us who are part of this community have long known to be the case: non-human intelligences and their technological marvels have been (and continue to be) in our very midst.

Still, for those of us who regularly dive deep into these murky (but often exhilarating) waters, we know that these revelations – as startling as they are to the average Joe and Jane on the street – are really just the beginning. And that’s because, simply put, there are numerous elements of human experience that simply don’t play well with the prevailing paradigm that rules in Western civilization – at least at present. These elements include out of body experiences, near death experiences, psi phenomena, synchronicity, contact with supposed deceased loved ones, and time slippages. And that’s just for starters.

Not only do these elements that have historically been forced to the fringes of polite conversation stretch the mainstream’s understanding of what’s possible, they also call into question the very maps we’ve so confidently crafted to make sense of what’s real altogether. For instance, when it comes to the matter of dealing with sophisticated, apparently non-human intelligences (ie. aliens), not only do we have the matter of the DoD allegedly housing the recovered craft and even the cadavers of non-human life forms – life forms that are decidedly biological, just like us – also on the table are the credible accounts of a host of other kind of non-conventional encounters.

Truth be told, there is a considerable body of data pointing to encounters with beings that are better described as ethereal, though – importantly – no less “real”. These beings are described by people from different walks of life in such consistent ways that they seem to claim just as much “real” and independent existence as we do. Other life forms that people encounter are perhaps better described as quasi-physical, and still others seem to navigate between these different domains like we might move between different rooms of a house.

Furthermore, human beings sometimes find themselves acting outside of their own bodies – and even outside of this 3D “physical” construct altogether – interacting with alien beings of various sorts and sometimes even with their own supposedly deceased loved ones in the process. The beings encountered also seem capable of moving human consciousness in ways that sometimes include the physical body, and other times do not. In short, what’s being highlighted here is the untenable nature of the physicalist paradigm altogether.

But all this being the case, how are we to proceed? If our modern maps have been exposed as – at best – approximations reflecting only one tiny corner of a much more expansive territory, how are we to make our way forward? And how can we reconcile the seemingly illusory boundaries between the living and the dead, sleep and waking states, and physical and ethereal realms? This all amounts to some pretty ambitious inquiry. But these are exactly the matters that we’ll seek to engage with in this the 104th episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.

102 ~ Mind, Matter and Meaning https://pointofconvergence.net/102-mind-matter-and-meaning/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=102-mind-matter-and-meaning Sun, 12 May 2024 01:07:10 +0000 https://pointofconvergence.net/?p=5755 https://pointofconvergence.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Ep102.mp3

Seeing the matter of UAP, or, as they have more traditionally been named: UFOs, unidentified flying objects, move through the halls of Congress, apparently towards some kind of official government disclosure, one might assume that what we’re dealing with is the rather clear cut matter of alien beings arising from elsewhere in our vast galaxy, visiting us in their sophisticated nuts and bolts spacecraft. Many assume this is the logical starting point based on what we think we know of the frontiers that are yet to be explored by our modern species.

However, if one pays close attention one notices the peculiar matter of the fact that these beings are referred to in official government documentation, specifically the so-called Schumer amendment, as “non-human intelligence”. No mention of the term “extraterrestrial” or “alien” can be found. Many have speculated that this is because the nature of these beings is perhaps more exotic than our sci-fi tropes would have us believe.

In truth, the exotic nature of this matter of the UFO Phenomenon goes far beyond simply the origin of the beings themselves. For if one spends any amount of time studying the nuances of this Phenomenon, it becomes clear that some very peculiar goings-on are seemingly baked-in to the entire enterprise. The term “high strangeness” has been coined to encapsulate the many aspects that are peculiar, mind-bending, and sometimes even apparently absurd.

In fact, the ways experiences with this Phenomenon tend to stretch – in cognitively uncomfortable ways – our very notions of what we think even can happen in a rational universe, are so frequent, and so seemingly impossible, that many have wondered if this is telling us that our conventional model of reality is, simply put, just wrong altogether. If these incidents of high strangeness are “real”, then how can our model be sufficient to account for what can arise in our material universe?

And to that point, in light of the bizarre nature of these experiences, is it even accurate to see the stage we traipse upon as a “material universe”, at all? In other words, does the very mind-bending nature of these experiences suggest that perhaps this is exactly where we should look for the locus of reality itself: in mind? And are these events arising from the machinations of our individual minds, a collective mind, or some combination of the two? These are the matters we’ll seek to explore in this, the 102nd episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.

101 ~ Return of the Sky People https://pointofconvergence.net/101-return-of-the-sky-people/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=101-return-of-the-sky-people Sun, 05 May 2024 11:58:24 +0000 https://pointofconvergence.net/?p=5737 https://pointofconvergence.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Ep101.mp3

When it comes to the intelligences behind the UFO Phenomenon, a certain group of repeating players tend to draw most of the attention. These commonly referenced groups include the greys, the nordics, the reptilians and the mantis types. And while there are a considerable number of accounts that do indeed refer to these particular beings, this can sometimes lead to the erroneous conclusion that they represent the sum total of the NHI we are dealing with.

The truth is, when one peruses the full breadth of the experiencer literature, it becomes clear that a plethora of alien beings are actually encountered. And even within the types that resemble the most commonly referenced, there seem to be numerous nuances in their appearance and behavior, only further complicating the picture, suggesting perhaps both species, subspecies, as well as factioning.

While it is a human tendency to prefer concise – that is to say “manageable” – answers, especially when it comes to an exploration of the unknown reaches of our knowledge, we should be careful not to reduce the complexity encountered in order to simply lighten “cognitive load”. I would suggest a more helpful response would be to embrace the rich diversity represented in the many types of non-human intelligences that we, on occasion, seem to cross paths with, even if this does require a significant upgrade in our understanding of the complexity of our cosmic environment.

To this point, in today’s episode we’re going to be making our third trek into the stellar work of Ardy “Sixkiller” Clarke, an academic of Native American descent who’s contributed greatly to our collective awareness of these various forms of non-human intelligence. Our collective knowledge of the variety and nature of these beings has been greatly aided through Clarke’s dedicated, tireless, and methodical cataloging of the many kinds of beings encountered specifically amongst people of indigenous descent.

Do certain kinds of apparently alien beings tend to interact with specific types of human people groups? And, if so, do these data points perhaps represent overarching patterns – providing hints even in regards to differing human origins? To that point, how should we make sense of the claims of descent from such beings, which are so often part of indigenous cultural lore?

It is the expansive and unique work of people like Ardy “Sixkiller” Clarke that helps us to begin to address just such questions. Just how wide-ranging are the alien types encountered? And where do these various types fall within the spectrum of consciousness development, respectively? These are just a few of the questions we’ll seek to engage with in this, the 101st episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.

100 ~ Odysseys into the Beyond https://pointofconvergence.net/100-odysseys-into-the-beyond/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=100-odysseys-into-the-beyond Sat, 30 Mar 2024 21:20:09 +0000 https://pointofconvergence.net/?p=5684 https://pointofconvergence.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Ep100.mp3

In our modern, technologically sophisticated world, it is something of a wonder that a medium such as the podcast continues to thrive. When podcasts first began to emerge in the new era of mini audio devices known as iPods (which speaks, of course, to the origin of the name), many saw them as a nostalgic throwback to the era of radio plays, before even the advent of television. The fact that the podcast medium continues to hold its own, even well into the 2020s, suggests there is something deeply enduring about the experience of tuning into real human voices, in order to feel an authentic human connection.

For me personally, it has been a profoundly rewarding experience to build that connection with a dedicated podcast audience that feels very much like a kind of extended family; a tribe, if you will. And as we make note of this, the 100th episode of Point of Convergence, I think it bears pausing for a moment to celebrate not only this milestone in the life of the podcast, but also the human journey we all share, one that draws each of us to this mysterious collection of topics centered around anomalous – and therefore extraordinary – experience.

Truth be told, what you have primarily witnessed over these many episodes is my own indulgence of curiosity. For it is primarily questions, rather than answers, that have driven this quest; one centered around both hard and incontrovertible data, but also an intuitive sense that the world we are all a part of is made up of so much more than what we’ve been led to believe in our conventional, reductionistically materialist society.

To mark this turning over into the triple digits, I plan to make this episode partly a retrospective of sorts, one in which I take some time to look back at the meandering – but also synchronistically orchestrated – path that has brought us here to episode 100. What lessons have been learned along the way in exploring the so-called UFO Phenomenon and related topics? And how might some additional but associated notions – such as that of a hologram, or a “holomovement”, which we’ll delve into today – help shed further light not just on the anomalous, but also on the ultimate nature of reality itself? These are the particular questions we’ll seek to indulge in this, the 100th episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.

090 ~ Of Accords & Abductions https://pointofconvergence.net/of-accords-abductions-an-insider-account-of-alien-u-s-military-cooperation/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=of-accords-abductions-an-insider-account-of-alien-u-s-military-cooperation Sun, 24 Sep 2023 00:48:12 +0000 https://pointofconvergence.net/?p=5053 https://pointofconvergence.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Ep90.mp3

For a long period of modern history the matter of the so-called UFO Phenomenon remained a topic cast to the fringes of discourse. While there has always been a committed community of people dedicated to getting to the bottom of this enduring, enigmatic mystery, that group has operated – for the most part – in the margins of polite society. And while the general public has long believed in the likely existence of extraterrestrial life in the cosmos – as have astrophysicists, for that matter – the subject of some of that sophisticated alien life already being in our midst has been a different matter altogether; one, for the most part, subjected to the conspiracy theory bin amongst the mainstream.

That clear distinction between these two statements – that other life exists in the cosmos, and that some of that life is already visiting us – began to dissolve somewhat with the revelations brought forward by David Grusch; an insider who had come into contact with clear evidence not just of the presence of these “aliens” in our midst, but furthermore of contact, communication and even agreements being made between elements of the U.S. government and its military services and these factions of so-called non-human intelligence.

For those subjected to the historic enterprise known as alien abduction, these revelations raised new and troubling questions about just how much human governments have not only known about this matter – despite their public denials – but may have been party to them. It is one thing to come to grips with the notion that sophisticated intelligences are able to take you from the comfort of your home with impunity. It is another matter altogether to learn that perhaps your own government has been privy to these activities; and that may have been part of an accord struck between these other intelligences and human governments.

And yet, this is precisely what is on the table; not just as a result of the allegations brought forward by David Grusch, but also because of details that have been provided elsewhere, going into greater detail as to the nature of these accords as they pertain to the matter of abductions. In this week’s podcast we’re going to delve into once such account that purports to describe the nature of the cooperative aspect of these events; detailing how a deeply compartmented element of the U.S. air force was made aware of abductions via telepathic communication received by personnel who had been genetically altered to enhance their capacity to receive said messages from the faction of non-human intelligence who had made this accord.

If true, the implications of this account are not only consequential, but, for many, they are also deeply disquieting. But of course such topics are not ones we shy away from on this podcast. Just how much have human governments – or segmented aspects of them – actually known about these historic abductions? And how exactly was intel passed from an alien faction to a group of human beings privy to this sweeping enterprise? These are precisely the matters we’ll be delving into in this, the 90th episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.

073 ~ The Intermentational Others https://pointofconvergence.net/the-intermentational-others-consciousness-as-the-bedrock-of-reality-the-phenomenon/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-intermentational-others-consciousness-as-the-bedrock-of-reality-the-phenomenon Sun, 16 Oct 2022 00:00:29 +0000 https://pointofconvergence.net/?p=3792 https://pointofconvergence.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Ep73-final.mp3

As many of you may know, I recently had the opportunity to make a presentation at a very unique and powerful conference event held in the heart of Manhattan, titled “An Inquiry into Anomalous Experiences and the Phenomenon”. The event turned out to be a smashing success, both in terms of the inspiring quality of the presentations being made by a group of speakers that included yours truly, Garry Nolan, Mitch Horowitz, Tim Grieve-Calrson, and Sean Esbjörn-Hargens, but also – just as, if not more importantly – in terms of linking together a group of passionate researchers, experiencers and enthusiasts from all around the world. That feeling of a cosmic family coming together was palpable throughout.

The organizers of the event, James Iandoli of Engaging the Phenomenon, and Jay Christopher King of the Experiences Group – both good friends of mine – did a wonderful job in planning for and executing this unique event. In the end, I would say the event came off without a hitch. A great time was had by all, and – even more inspiringly – there is already a second event planned for December, and rumblings of other events of a similar nature to be held in places all across the country, and indeed overseas as well. I think this is exactly what many of us involved in the conference were hoping would happen- that this would be the catalyst for a movement, rather than just the hosting of a one-off event.

Speaking of my presentation at last weekend’s event in New York City, the event organizers have been kind enough to make the audio content of my presentation available so I can now share it with all of you, my regular audience on Point of Convergence. Much of the material will be familiar to many of you – based on previous podcast episodes. That said, this probably marks the occasion when I put it all together in the most comprehensive, overarching way yet, in terms of the implications for the ultimate nature of reality.

And with that said, let’s get to it: Here is the audio from my presentation at the “An Inquiry Into Anomalous Experiences and the Phenomenon” conference held last week in Manhattan, for this, the 73rd episode, of the Point of Convergence podcast.

072 ~ Transformational Contact https://pointofconvergence.net/transformational-contact-the-path-from-ontological-shock-to-disembodied-union/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=transformational-contact-the-path-from-ontological-shock-to-disembodied-union Sat, 01 Oct 2022 17:54:12 +0000 https://pointofconvergence.net/?p=3713 https://pointofconvergence.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Ep72-final.mp3

If there’s one thing that becomes abundantly clear to those who endeavor to study the so-called UFO Phenomenon closely, it’s that it defies easy categorization. When you come across a researcher or enthusiast who claims they’ve made quick work of what’s actually going on – i.e. who’s involved, where they’re from, what their agenda is, etc, you can be sure that their conclusions have more to do with their own wish-fulfillment than with the data at hand.

That isn’t to say there aren’t distinctive patterns that emerge within the totality of human experience with these various non-human others, giving clues as to the underlying reality – because I believe there are. But even amongst those distinct patterns, various elements of ambiguity still inevitably bubble to the surface, resisting simple classification and description. Indeed this ambiguity may be part and parcel of a Phenomenon that involves interaction with entities who seemingly come from domains of existence beyond our own, where perhaps even notions like space and time manifest very differently.

One of the elements where this applies is in regards to how human beings interpret the nature of their experiences with these various non-human, alien others, along a spectrum ranging from positive, to neutral, to negative. This somewhat murky picture gets even murkier when one adds the element of time; for evidence seems to suggest that the longer people have to reflect on the nature of their encounters, the more they begin to see their interactions in either a positive light, or at least as a net neutral. To be sure, this is not always the case, but nevertheless, often enough to draw our attention.

Perhaps this shouldn’t be surprising. After all, few human beings are either all good or all bad. Most of us are progressing along a spiral of moral development. To be sure, some are further along than others, but few are what we would describe as completely malevolent, nor the epitome of righteous love and light. It makes sense that the same would hold true for these mysterious non-human others; especially when you consider that – as I would posit – they are, at the end of the day – also facets of the same undivided bedrock of consciousness from which we all derive out being; a being that is not, in the most ultimate sense, divided and distinct, regardless of how these matters might appear at first blush.

I already mentioned that sometimes contactees/abductees/experiencers find that their interpretation of the nature of their experiences evolves over time, given the advent of further perspective. Often this comes down to letting the ontological shock wear off a little – because, lest we forget, these are very often, at least initially, extremely traumatic experiences, where human beings encounter strange looking entities that they’ve been told their entire lives cannot possibly exist. That is not to say that trauma equals inherent negativity – in terms of the intentions of these various others. It just means that the physiological and neurological reaction to the event leaves clear evidence of PTSD for any trained therapist to find clear signs of.

Beyond having perspectives change over the long haul, once in a while we find the interpretation of an experience can change almost in real-time, or, at least within a matter of days, to weeks, to months. That’s exactly what happened in a case we’re going to delve into in this episode. It involves the abduction of two teenage parents and their young infant son. Were they taken against their will? Well, that’s complicated. Were they initially traumatized by the shocking nature of the experience? Yes, absolutely so. Were they also permanently transformed for the better – to the point that their understanding of themselves and reality itself was expanded? Undeniably. And here again we see the overtones of the complexity of these situations.

Why are these experiences initially so ontologically shocking, even when they can ultimately prove so positively transformative? And why and how is the element of personal sovereignty and personal agency so complicated when it comes to the subject of alien contact and/or abduction accounts? These are the very matters we’ll seek to engage with, by delving deeply into an astonishing real-world example, in this, the 72nd episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.
