Listen by joining @ Just as someone interested in matters such as the UFO Phenomenon and the so-called “paranormal” aspects of reality begins to conclude that these topics will always remain on the very fringes of both our collective radar and our collective curiosity, a startling piece of news comes to the fore, demonstrating …
041 ~ The Medium & Message
Listen by joining @ To anyone with the faintest familiarity with the topic of the UFO Phenomenon, it is well understood that a central and longstanding aspect of this phenomenon involves not just sightings of unexplained manifestations in the skies above our heads, but also contact and communication between human beings and supposed intelligent …
038 ~ A Human/Alien Symbiosis
Listen by joining @ The UFO Phenomenon is a topic that has undoubtedly seen a rise in interest amongst the general public in recent years. This of course has much to do with startling videos of officially declared UAP – that is, unidentified aerial phenomena – that were discussed in some detail in a …
033 ~ A Spectrum of Contact
Listen by joining @ Much of the world has only recently begun to come to grips with the growing evidence emerging in the public sphere suggesting that sophisticated, non-human intelligences are apparently in our midst, buzzing in and around our skies both day and night. This revelation takes the notion that aliens might exist …
031 ~ Consciousness & Construct
Listen by joining @ For those tuned into more recent developments within the field of ufology, there is a clear recognition that the conversation has moved in some surprising directions. What began as an assumption that we were witnessing the presence of spacecraft being piloted by extraterrestrials has evolved into a much broader consideration …
028 ~ UFOs and the Paradigm Shift
Listen by joining @ Ever since the release of videos showing images of strangely behaving vehicles officially classified as “unidentified aerial phenomena” entered the public sphere in 2017, there has been a rising tide of public and even government interest in what have more commonly and historically been referred to as UFOs – unidentified …
021 ~ The Psychokineticon
Listen by joining @ For some time now here on the Point of Convergence podcast, we’ve been discussing the many ways that various forms of high strangeness tend to, well, converge. As we’ve discussed previously, often that means an individual who’s experienced one form of high strangeness is quite likely to have experienced others …
016 ~ The Visitors from Beyond
Listen by joining @ For almost as long as human beings have been attempting to document and study what is often collectively termed “high strangeness”, it has been assumed that various phenomena should be studied separately, as distinct fields of inquiry. Thus, when researchers wanted to conduct research and/or look for evidence suggesting human …
011 ~ An Advocate for Visitation
Listen by joining @ Dr. John Mack was a one-of-a-kind individual, who’s pursuits and interests were as varied as the kinds of responses he garnered from various elements of both the public and institutional academia. His “day jobs” included that of a psychiatrist, a writer, and a professor. Most famously Mack was the head …
006 ~ Consciously Connected
Listen by joining @ Here on the Point of Convergence podcast we’ve been discussing how various categories of what’s often referred to as High Strangeness seem to overlap. Many of the same people who experience something like, say, precognition, have also seen a UFO in the sky, or sensed mysterious presences nearby, apparently just …