Point of Convergence https://pointofconvergence.net The UFO Phenomenon, High Strangeness & Consciousness Sun, 18 Feb 2024 19:37:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://pointofconvergence.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/cropped-exo-sq-32x32.png Point of Convergence https://pointofconvergence.net 32 32 187846100 098 ~ Nearing the Event Horizon https://pointofconvergence.net/098-nearing-the-event-horizon/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=098-nearing-the-event-horizon Sun, 18 Feb 2024 01:00:12 +0000 https://pointofconvergence.net/?p=5566

Those familiar with ufological lore, and especially how it ties into our deep religious history, will tell you that UFOs have been around for as long as we have, and perhaps even longer. Indeed, it has long been acknowledged that the assumed non-human intelligences behind these manifestations may be responsible not only for the inspiration and direction of our most foundational meaning-making models – that is to say, our religious traditions – but also for our very origin as a species.

That being the case, some might find it a stretch to believe that the times we find ourselves in now are somehow unique when it comes to this enigmatic topic: Yes, they’re here, but they always have been, directing affairs mostly in shadow – à la something like Jacques Vallee’s control system hypothesis – so what would be different about now? – or so the thinking goes.

While that’s an understandable perspective to have, and while we should always be on the lookout for bias in our contemporary reading of history, there is indeed compelling evidence to suggest that what we’re seeing with this Phenomenon since the turn of the millennium – and especially over the last few years or so – is indeed worthy of note, suggesting that we may very well be heading towards some crescendo point, where our very relationship to this Phenomenon, and, for that matter, to reality itself, fundamentally changes.

The evidence for this notion arises not just in the increased activity of alien intelligences in our midst – though we have indeed seen a rise in reported accounts of sightings and engagements with the craft apparently piloted by these so-called NHI of late – but also via reports from experiencers, those uniquely tuned into these various alien groups, who have seen visions of imminent changes that speak to the coming of a foundationally different world.

While even these two data points – the increased sightings/interactions and sense from experiencers that something is coming – might not be enough to convince many, these are not the only elements we need to reckon with here. Just as important in this equation is the rising tide of challenges our civilization is presently facing; challenges so daunting that they threaten our very existence.

These matters include climate change, geopolitical conflict rife with ever more catastrophic weapons of mass destruction, and the sudden rise of artificial intelligence. All three of these are particularly troublesome because they are being met by a center of gravity of consciousness still driven by fear, scarcity and what our most ancient and enduring spiritual traditions – not to mention many of these Others – call “the illusion of separation”.

Those familiar with ufological lore will also know that the trajectory we’re presently on as a human, earth-based civilization, is precisely the one that these various non-human (and non-conventionally-human) intelligences have long warned us about. Their historic concern about our ever more technological focus, unmoored from an accompanying increase in our level of consciousness, is central to the messages delivered to humankind via the experiencers we’ve already discussed. Suddenly those warnings and prognostications, going back decades, seem strikingly prescient.

That said, we know that timing is particularly challenging to predict and parse out when it comes to these otherworldly admonitions. And thus, the question still remains: just how pressing are these issues, and just how close are we to some fundamental transformation of life as we have thus far known it? Furthermore, how might the very real march towards official disclosure we’ve seen of late be informed by all of this? These are the very thorny – yet crucial – matters we’ll seek to gain clarity around in this, the 98th episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.

076 ~ Unidentified Aerial Prompts https://pointofconvergence.net/unidentified-aerial-prompts-anomalous-phenomena-signals-from-distant-relations/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=unidentified-aerial-prompts-anomalous-phenomena-signals-from-distant-relations Sun, 27 Nov 2022 00:12:25 +0000 https://pointofconvergence.net/?p=4046 https://pointofconvergence.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Ep76.mp3

The so-called UFO Phenomenon is a tricky affair because, no matter when and from where you enter the discussion, you’ve inevitably going to face having your assumptions and expectations stretched. Indeed, to those really paying close attention to, for instance, the wealth of experiencer data that’s been amassed over decades, it’s clear that a discourse around the nature of potential UFOs and aliens in our midst eventually leads to a much deeper rabbit hole where our place in the universe and the very nature of reality are in play.

Of course, one of the biggest leap those who enter this discussion face is the notion not simply that aliens exist “out there” – somewhere, perhaps in some corner of the vast expanse of the Cosmos, but that they’re here, and perhaps have been for as long – and undoubtedly – even longer than we’ve been looking for them.

But if that’s true, skeptics ask, why aren’t we finding clear, undeniable evidence for their presence, and, for that matter, why don’t they simply land on the White House lawn to put the matter to rest once and for all? It’s absurd to think they’re here, these skeptics confidently assert, but then chose this bizarre stealthiness.

Absurdity you say? Indeed – we’ve got that, in spades even! Welcome to the UFO Phenomenon as it actually exists, rather than how you’d like it to be based on your 21st century Western expectations and assumptions – one of the largest and most questionable of which is the belief that if they were here, we’d be able to detect them with relative ease.

Another major deeper dive into the proverbial rabbit hole comes when one comes to grips that these various others are not only here, but are actually interacting with various human beings – and that this circumstance is much more commonplace than the mainstream media and present political set would have you believe.

And even once you’ve digested that interactions really are happening, you’re then confronted by just how diverse these interactions are. Indeed, they seem to cover the proverbial gamut: from positive encounters with supportive, inspirational entities, to frightening encounters with beings who conduct obtuse medical procedures and examinations that seem, on the face of it, to be much more invasive than is necessary – especially if these beings are as advanced as they purport to be.

Yet an even more paradigm-stretching matter arises when people hear of encounters with beings that humans come to find they recognize, and even feel a pre-incarnate familial connection to. And often these encounters involve the person being reminded of a particular mission they are here – in this incarnation as an earth human – to fulfill. Of course, this brings to mind for some people the religious notion of angels and demons – as old as human civilization itself.

But these beings often arrive in spacecraft and have their own home planets. Are these the same entities as are reported in religious traditions, or different ones altogether? And how are we to make sense of these particular encounters from within the dazzling complexity that is the UFO Phenomenon? These are the very matters we’ll seek to disentangle in this, the 76th episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.

053 ~ A Contact Retrospective https://pointofconvergence.net/alien-contact-retrospective-reflections-on-cases-of-remarkable-nhi-alien-contact/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=alien-contact-retrospective-reflections-on-cases-of-remarkable-nhi-alien-contact Sun, 26 Dec 2021 02:24:50 +0000 https://pointofconvergence.net/?p=2161 https://pointofconvergence.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/ep53.mp3

It was at this time last year that the inaugural edition of the Point of Convergence podcast was launched. In that very first edition I discussed some of the broad brush topics I planned to cover in the coming weeks and months. I didn’t know exactly what direction the podcast would take, but I had a strong sense that it would attempt to weave together topics that are often taken as distinct and disconnected: topics such as alien beings and the UFO Phenomenon, psi phenomena such as psychokinesis, telepathy and clairvoyance, and the mystery of life and death, revealed with growing clarity through phenomena such as out of body experiences, and even more so, near death experiences.

I also understood that central to our inquiry would be the underlying role that consciousness seems to play in connecting each of these subjects – which are often collectively referred to as “the contact modalities”, almost like spokes in a wheel. Over time it has become increasingly clear that, as I recently heard it put, it’s not so much that we possess consciousness, as that we, on the most fundamental of levels, are consciousness.

Somehow, despite the temporary sense of separation we often experience in this particular earthly iteration, we are actually part of capital “C” consciousness, which, as quantum physicist Erwin Schrodinger put it: “Consciousness is a singular of which the plural is unknown. There is only one thing and that which seems to be a plurality is merely a series of different aspects of this one thing, produced by a deception, the Indian maya, as in a gallery of mirrors.”

While the UFO Phenomenon, which has been our most central topic of inquiry, might at first seem like it doesn’t belong in such a conversation, I think it’s clear, based on the various cases of contact with non-human intelligence that we’ve covered over the last year, that nothing could be further from the truth.

Indeed, the connection between UFOs and aliens, with psi phenomena and out of body and near death experiences, is not even secondary and subtle, but often quite immediate and direct. In fact, we’ve come across cases where deceased relatives show up in the very same encounters where people meet and interact with apparently alien beings. We also know that the altered state of consciousness that experiencers of the UFO Phenomenon frequently describe involves striking overlap with elements of out of body and near death experiences.

Now, speaking of those various experiences of contact with apparently non-human, alien entities, it has been informative to see how different people have described different kinds of experiences in cases we’ve covered over the last year. While there are too many striking similarities to count, there have also been some striking differences, perhaps suggesting, as I’ve postulated for some time now, that we’re dealing with different elements within one totality we conveniently, colloquially title “the UFO Phenomenon”.

Now that we’ve reached the one year mark of this podcast, while also reaching the end of this calendar year, now seems like an apt time for a retrospective of sorts, looking back to compare and contrast the various elements of these otherworldly, anomalous experiences.

Over the last 365 days or so, we’ve covered nine specific cases of contact with alien intelligence. And now we’ll seek to take an overarching view of those cases, considering in what ways they’re similar, as well as distinct, and in what ways they did or didn’t somehow touch on the other “contract modalities” we discussed earlier, in this the 53rd episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.

050 ~ A Grand Kosmic Dance https://pointofconvergence.net/a-grand-kosmic-dance-from-ufos-uap-ets-to-interdimensional-nomads-incorporeal-celestials/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=a-grand-kosmic-dance-from-ufos-uap-ets-to-interdimensional-nomads-incorporeal-celestials Sat, 04 Dec 2021 14:12:52 +0000 https://pointofconvergence.net/?p=2130 https://pointofconvergence.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/ep50.mp3

For getting on for 80 years now, people have been trying to expose secrets kept under lock and key by deeply embedded, so-called “black ops programs” that many believe are holding back irrefutable evidence pertaining to knowledge of, and interaction with, non-human intelligence. These same people believe that when this secret is finally exposed to the world, it will bring about revelations that will mark a key turning in the course of human civilization, ushering in an era of inter-galactic cooperation with a larger family of civilizations.

Of course, that’s for the people who believe that these Others mean us good, and are here as part of a peaceful mission to help us ascend to the next development level. There are other people who agree that a secret is being kept from humanity, but that this is in part because the news is not good: that these Others are dominator races whose aim is either to conquer us via overt means and technology that greatly eclipses our own, or via some insidious plan that involves a hybridization program meant to turn humans into something else entirely.

But this picture still isn’t complete – because both of the above conceptions of what’s going on tend to involve intelligences believed to be extraterrestrial in origin. The thing is, even when one looks at the evidence that exists as part of the literature behind the so-called UFO Phenomenon that’s publicly available as a result of the work of tireless researchers, it’s not at all clear that what’s being interacted with are solely off-world races who’ve traveled here via sophisticated spacecraft.

In fact, even if one finds this topic because of a kind sci-fi interest in advanced spacecraft and alien biological beings originating on some exo-solar planet, the data one comes across – assuming one is diligently perusing the totality of the historical data, that is – quickly turns the picture ever more obscure and confusing. And that’s because, while extraterrestrials definitely seem to be “in the mix”, as it were, the total picture is much more complex and multifaceted. Some find this complexity intriguing and inspiring, while others are left feeling unmoored from what they used to believe defined “reality”, as a result of these revelations.

Some grab a-hold of these revelations with a fervor, feeling inspired to explore elements of a clearly multi-dimensional reality that makes our former conceptions look like child’s play, while others end up abandoning the endeavor altogether, convinced that the more mind-bending aspects of the data suggest a mixture of human fraud, ego, mental instability and the like have painted a picture that can’t possibly be accurate. Of course, this exposes the fact that what we’re willing to entertain as being part of the fabric of the larger reality, says as much about who we are – as individuals, and as different cultural groups – as it does about the true nature of all that is.

How are we to make sense of this disorienting complexity? How are we to walk what some perceive to be a minefield of competing and mutually exclusive hypotheses regarding the origin and nature of these mysterious non-human Others? These are the very matters we’ll seek to address in this, the 50th episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.

049 ~ Rise of the Collins Elite https://pointofconvergence.net/rise-of-the-collins-elite-tracing-the-intersection-of-occultic-history-the-ufo-phenomenon/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=rise-of-the-collins-elite-tracing-the-intersection-of-occultic-history-the-ufo-phenomenon Sat, 27 Nov 2021 14:13:12 +0000 https://pointofconvergence.net/?p=2121 When Luis Elizondo made the bold and life changing decision to leave his career within the U.S. military and intelligence community by resigning from his role spearheading AATIP – The Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program – it wasn’t because he wanted a change in scenario or a change in direction. No, on the contrary, he has repeatedly stated that the decision to leave his position was the hardest one he’s ever made, one that he wouldn’t have made if he had seen any other legitimate way forward. Furthermore, he has repeatedly asserted that his decision to resign was brought about by his desire – first and foremost – to serve his country.

In the end it became apparent to Elizondo that the intelligence he was trying to deliver up his chain of command was being brickwalled before it could get to where it needed to. In short, there were people above him who not only had no interest in seeing the intelligence gathered being delivered to the top of the chain, where it could be – as Elizondo had hoped – acted upon – but there were individuals who had apparently decided that the investigation shouldn’t be happening at all; that to investigate the matter of these unidentified aerial phenomena – aka UFOs – was, in itself, a foolhardy and ill-advised endeavor.

Of course this begs the question: why? Why was there a contingent within the US military intelligence apparatus that not only wanted to halt someone like Elizondo from delivering intel to his superiors, but who had seemingly already decided – a priori – that an investigation into UFOs was not only ill advised, but – more significantly – actually a dangerous endeavor to even pursue?

According to Elizondo, this group’s objection was based solely on religious grounds. When he had been told in no uncertain terms that the best course of action was to drop the matter altogether, Eliziodo wondered if perhaps that’s because these vehicles were top secret next-gen U.S. craft after all. When he asked if this was the case, he was told, no, that’s not what was meant. He was then told that if he had read his Bible recently, he would already know what they were.

In short, these individuals within Elizondo’s chain of command believed the intelligence behind UAPs/UFOs was actually demonic in nature. And not in some abstract – these are bad news – kind of way. No, these individuals seemed to believe that these intelligences were in fact the very demons they believed the Bible laid bare as the evil minions of Satan, dark and deceptive nefarious entities who’s only true aim was to corrupt and lead humanity away from a reliance on and relationship with the “one true God”.

Now, to be sure, a predetermined position rooted in religious fundamentalism was central to this group’s thinking. Had there been no Christian fundamentalists in positions of power, this notion likely wouldn’t have gotten off the ground to begin with. But, as it turns out, the conclusions this group of government and military insiders had come to was not solely based on pre-existing religious conviction. Rather, events that had taken place earlier in the 20th century, events such as those tied to the first ever modern sighting of UFOs by Kenneth Arnold, and of the purported crash of an alien craft along with the alleged recovery of alien life forms at Roswell, New Mexico, were central to this group’s conclusions.

Put succinctly, this group – who came to be known as the Collins Elite – believed that occultic practices foolishly pursued by human beings in the early to mid 20th century had opened a kind of portal to an alternate dimension; a netherworld that was home to these dark and deceptive intelligences. And that now these demonic forces were laying siege to humanity under the ruse of a visitation from extraterrestrials piloting sophisticated spacecraft.

But what were the actual, specific historical events that had led to the Collins Elite to these rather startling conclusions? And how was it that the personal convictions of these religious fundamentalists went so far as to influence, and some might even say, shape, much of the unofficial response of the U.S. government to the UFO Phenomenon? These are the very matters we’ll seek to understand in this, the 49th episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.

039 ~ The Veil Between Worlds https://pointofconvergence.net/the-veil-between-worlds-yossi-ronens-encounters-with-interdimensional-aliens-experience-of-non-duality/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-veil-between-worlds-yossi-ronens-encounters-with-interdimensional-aliens-experience-of-non-duality Sat, 18 Sep 2021 22:35:34 +0000 https://pointofconvergence.net/?p=1975 https://pointofconvergence.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/ep39.mp3

If one thing is clear as we look back over the course of 38 episodes of the Point of Convergence podcast, it’s that the so-called UFO Phenomenon is as complex and multifaceted as it is equal parts bewildering and fascinating. As I’ve mentioned numerous times before, while there is a temptation to reduce this complexity by making all of the anomalous phenomena observed and experienced about a single intelligence parading in a variety of different ways, I just don’t think this notion fits the data well when we look at it honestly and completely.

Rather, to me, when one considers the breadth and depth of the data gathered over the last century – and perhaps going back into the depth of human lore, it seems apparent that numerous non-human intelligences are appearing and interacting with us. And truth be told, the ways these various intelligences manifest before our eyes, and interact, manipulate, and sometimes control us, is just as varied as the plethora of supposed alien entities described within the literature of the UFO Phenomenon.

Some of these entities appear like what we might call solid, biological beings, with, one assumes, beating hearts and liquid blood of one color or another pulsing through their veins. Other intelligences seem to be better described as either post-biological or simply non-biological, and seem most often to manifest in forms made purely of light.

When one also considers the fullness of the data gathered, it is clear that some entities seem, from a moral point of view, perhaps no more sophisticated than us, and demonstrate, if not malevolent, then at least self-serving behaviors. And as we discussed last week, sometimes the actions of some of these Others are best described as representing a kind of symbiotic relationship with human beings – where both sides of the equation, us and them, gain something from the relationship.

Then there are beings like those encountered in the case we’re going to discuss today, the case of Israeli experiencer Yossi Ronen, who seem to demonstrate not just a moral superiority, when compared to us, but also what one might describe as a moral innocence – as if their evolution didn’t progress from self-serving to cosmocentric, so much so as the nature of their experience of reality always revealed to them, from the beginning, the interconnectedness of all that is; so that, from their point of view, harming another would be no different than harming oneself.

Yossi Ronen’s encounters with these beings was as life-altering as it was short and to the point. While the time spent in their presence was but a blink of the eye in comparison with the totality of the days of his life thus far, the impact for Ronen was as incontrovertible as it was irreversible. Never again would he be able to see reality the same way following his encounter. For he learned not just about a kind of intelligence beyond human, but a fundamental truth about the nature of reality itself, revealing a non-dual, interconnected totality best described in the term: oneness.

Yossi Ronen’s life-changing encounters with interdimensional aliens, and the revelations regarding the nature of ultimate reality that emerged as a result, are the topic of this, the 39th episode of the Point of Convergence Podcast.

035 ~ The Entangled Spectacle https://pointofconvergence.net/the-entangled-spectacle-exploring-dorothy-izatts-capacity-for-extraordinary-perception-alien-contact/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-entangled-spectacle-exploring-dorothy-izatts-capacity-for-extraordinary-perception-alien-contact Sat, 21 Aug 2021 13:18:29 +0000 https://pointofconvergence.net/?p=1940 https://pointofconvergence.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/ep35.mp3

In last week’s episode of the Point of Convergence podcast we discussed what I consider to be one of the most important cases in the history of the UFO Phenomenon. I speak here of the astounding life and times of Dorothy Izatt, a soft-spoken woman who managed to capture 30,000 feet of film footage documenting bizarre, astonishing, bewildering objects and lights in the sky outside her home in a suburb of Vancouver, British Columbia.

Of course, the capturing of the footage – as compelling as that is, in terms of offering clear evidence of something you might call otherworldly really taking place – was perhaps not the most important or compelling aspect of Dorothy’s experience. She also claimed to be in regular communication with the intelligences behind these dizzying visual displays. And that combination of documented evidence of contact, along with the nature of the communication that took place with these Others, is what makes this case so particularly unique.

Notice I used the term “intelligences” to describe Dorothy’s contact experiences. I do that not only to designate different individuals within one type or race of alien beings, but also to acknowledge the sheer breadth of contact Dorothy encountered – involving numerous different kinds of beings that fit the description of aliens we’d typically categorize as extraterrestrial, but also other entities, which as we mentioned last week might better be described as extradimensional, whom Dorothy saw as basically angelic in nature.

Indeed, Dorothy’s ability to see and interact with such a broad assortment of Others seems directly connected to her capacity to observe a much wider spectrum of reality than the typical human being. That capacity included her apparent ability to see energy such as microwaves, which we’ll get into later in this episode. Interestingly, her capacity for this kind of extraordinary perception seemed to arise through a combination of what one might call innate gifting, and a kind of augmentation and tuning done by some of these beings themselves.

Dorothy Izatt’s case is also fascinating and illuminating because it touches on her apparent history over multiple lifetimes – during which these Others claimed to have been in contact and ongoing relationship with her. Indeed, this piece, dealing with the expanded modalities of human beings, seems to be central to our quest to understand more about the ultimate nature of the UFO Phenomenon, and indeed of the fabric of reality itself.

All that is to say, the case of Dorothy Izatt is simply too intriguing and too illuminating to be covered adequately in a single episode. And thus, a further discussion of the ground-breaking case of Dorothy Izatt is the topic of this, the 35th episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.

034 ~ Beholding Beings of Light https://pointofconvergence.net/lights-in-the-darkness-dorothy-izatts-amazing-case-of-alien-telepathy-and-8mm-film-footage/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=lights-in-the-darkness-dorothy-izatts-amazing-case-of-alien-telepathy-and-8mm-film-footage Sat, 14 Aug 2021 14:15:25 +0000 https://pointofconvergence.net/?p=1914 https://pointofconvergence.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/ep34.mp3

There are a few cases in the lore of the UFO Phenomenon that tend to get a disproportionate amount of attention. When it comes to cases involving not just sightings of UFOs or UAP, but actual contact with non-human intelligences (i.e. aliens), historically cases involving scary tales of humorless, unfeeling and sometimes outright malevolent entities have tended to get a lot of – as they say – press.

But as we discussed in last week’s episode of the Point of Convergence podcast, evidence actually suggests positive encounters are more prevalent than negative ones; especially when, as we’ve pointed out a few times now, experiencers have the necessary time and perspective to be able to consider their experiences beyond the scope of the initial ontological shock.

Now, while the ontological shock is front and center for many – and completely understandably so – there do exist cases where people have positive encounters with these Others from the outset, with almost none of the usual fight/flight response involved. While cases exempt from the ontological shock aspect are much more rare, they do exist. And when they do exist they often involve a very distinct kind of human being.

One such case is that of Dorothy Izatt. This case is one of my personal favorites, for a few different reasons. First off, the case involves an amazing degree of documentation. Indeed, spanning over decades, Dorothy Izatt – in her quiet, non-nonsense manner – managed to capture literally thousands of feet of footage cataloging her encounters with a wide variety of entities.

Secondly, because the majority of this footage was captured on 8mm film, and this happened before the proliferation of video editing software, the footage is very difficult to dismiss. And, as I’m sure you would expect, believe me, experts have tried. Part of what surprises me, to this day, is that her footage is not studied and discussed more often, considering these factors.

Thirdly, the footage itself is astonishing – both in terms of quantity and quality. One particularly fascinating aspect of the footage involves how one frame of film will show lighted orbs in the sky, and then the very next frame will show a bizarre array of zigzagging lines of light jumping all over the frame. And then, in the very next frame, all you’ll see once again are orbs like in the first of the three frames. In other words, this transformation is happening so quickly that all the human eye recognizes in real time is a flash.

Finally, a key aspect of what makes this case so particularly compelling is the figure of Dorothy herself. Those who were lucky enough to have met her reported that she was a grounded, down-to-earth soul, not a seeker of attention whatsoever, and someone who always exuded kindness, wisdom and humility. If character is a key component in evaluating these kinds of cases, Dorothy clearly passes with flying colors.

Highly pertinent to this podcast and the inquiries we’ve been making – not only into the nature of the UFO Phenomenon, but also into the ultimate nature of all that is – is that Dorothy’s encounters were as diverse as they were astounding – involving levels of contact that both included and that go far beyond the initial telepathic messages she received while first recording dazzling lights in the sky. The fascinating, compelling and illuminating case of Dorothy Izatt is the topic of this, the 34th episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.

033 ~ A Spectrum of Contact https://pointofconvergence.net/a-spectrum-of-contract-reckoning-with-the-range-of-experiences-variety-of-alien-entities-encountered/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=a-spectrum-of-contract-reckoning-with-the-range-of-experiences-variety-of-alien-entities-encountered Sat, 07 Aug 2021 12:19:49 +0000 https://pointofconvergence.net/?p=1898 https://pointofconvergence.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/ep33.mp3

Much of the world has only recently begun to come to grips with the growing evidence emerging in the public sphere suggesting that sophisticated, non-human intelligences are apparently in our midst, buzzing in and around our skies both day and night. This revelation takes the notion that aliens might exist – out there – in the great beyond of outer space, and brings the idea much closer to home. For some, it’s simply too close to home. Truth be told, many people just aren’t prepared to deal with the idea that extra-terrestrial or inter-dimensional beings are not only already here, but may have indeed been here as long – or longer – than we have.

Of course, for those of us more aware of the extensive body of data regarding the UFO Phenomenon, it’s clear that, not only are these intelligences piloting sophisticated craft in the skies above our heads, but they’re are also interacting directly – face to face and up close and personal – with human beings. And we’re not speaking simply of these Others once in a while introducing themselves in the broad light of day. No, they – some of them, anyway – are also conducting apparently clandestine missions to enter people’s homes, passing through solid walls like we might pass through a fine morning mist, and taking people back to their sophisticated craft, or elsewhere, such as some mysterious matrix-like reality that defies easy categorization based on our current understanding of reality.

Notice that I just said “some of them” are conducting these kinds of covert missions, often – it’s important to point out – without the apparent permission or often even knowledge of the people they are taking. I say “some of them” because, truth be told, not only is sophisticated non-human (i.e. alien) intelligence here, but it is here in the plural. And here I’m not referring simply to numbers of the same alien species. No, I’m referring to different alien species altogether. There are so many in fact that one quickly becomes overwhelmed by the sheer variety of alien types apparently in our midst: the short and tall greys, reptilians, mantids, human-like species such as the so-called Nordics and Tall Whites, and many more.

And it’s not just the variety of alien species that can be overwhelming. The kinds of experiences people have with these various Others also vary. Some people have decidedly positive, even spiritually transformative encounters with these Others, from the get-go, while other people have much more traumatic, frightening, and discombobulating experiences. Truth be told, even the positive encounters are usually disorienting in the extreme at first blush. One simply cannot overstate the degree of ontological shock that is involved here, as John Mack made clear in his research with alien contactees/abductees.

Even more complication arises in this already complex, convoluted discussion, when one takes into account how many people eventually grow to see their experiences differently once the initial ontological shock has – to some degree – worn off. Even more confusing, many abductees/contactees find that, at some point during an encounter with these Others, they realize they actually recognize these beings.

Sometimes this recognition tracks back to early childhood, meaning that, for some, these encounters have been ongoing for decades, often without the individual having any conscious memory of this contact. Even more discombobulatingly, for those of us trying to make sense of the contact totality, it becomes clear that some people find that they recognize these beings from some deep sense of a larger, multi-dimensional self that may even track over multiple lifetimes.

Clearly this is a complicated discussion; one that, arguably, cannot be even fully addressed without asking as many questions about who we truly are as who they truly are. Still, with all of this complexity in mind, what can we make of the jungle that is the territory of these Others? This is exactly what we’ll explore in this, the 33rd episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.

031 ~ Consciousness & Construct https://pointofconvergence.net/consciousness-construct-plotting-the-convergence-of-the-fields-of-quantum-physics-ufology-parapsychology/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=consciousness-construct-plotting-the-convergence-of-the-fields-of-quantum-physics-ufology-parapsychology Sun, 25 Jul 2021 03:05:39 +0000 https://pointofconvergence.net/?p=1867 https://pointofconvergence.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/ep31.mp3

For those tuned into more recent developments within the field of ufology, there is a clear recognition that the conversation has moved in some surprising directions. What began as an assumption that we were witnessing the presence of spacecraft being piloted by extraterrestrials has evolved into a much broader consideration that involves interdimensionality, potential cryptoterrestrials and ultraterrestrials, consciousness-control, the manipulation of space-time, and much more.

In many ways one could argue that what began as a conversation singularly about the potential visitation of visitors from some far-flung star system has evolved into a discussion about the nature of reality itself. The implications that arise from the so-called UFO Phenomenon really are that far-reaching and paradigm-stretching.

Interestingly though, this kind of deep-seated soul searching is not unique to the field of ufology. As it turns out, other fields of inquiry are experiencing similar upheavals. While the often categorized “soft” sciences of sociology and psychology are facing these challenges, the so-called “hard” sciences are certainly not immune either.

While the outer reaches of psychology, often termed parapsychology for that very reason, are trying to make sense of human capacities that apparently violate our notions of space-time altogether – here I speak of various categories of so-called ESP: telepathy, precognition, clairvoyance, and psychokinesis, etc., physics is grappling with equally baffling notions such as retro-causation – where the future seemingly causes the past, or at least, where the arrow of time seems to operate equally well in both directions, contrary to everything we’ve understood about the nature of reality up until recently.

Tellingly, several astute observers, including pioneering researchers like Dean Radin of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, have noticed striking parallels emerging between these various fields of inquiry. Specifically, Radin and others have noted that the interconnected fabric of information that underlies the field of quantum mechanics bears remarkable similarity to the kind of fundamental structure that seemingly gives rise to phenomena plotted along the Psi spectrum.

The essential question that arises from these fascinating observations is this: what does this apparent crossover tell us about the nature of ultimate reality? Clearly what we’re seeing here is evidence of a level of reality that is more informational and symbolic in nature. And it is this substrate of reality that ultimately gives rise to what we consider the physical world: the realm of matter and energy.

In what way are human beings operating – usually unknowingly – at this informational layer, one that apparently exists beyond the constraints of space and time as as we have traditionally understood them, when we send messages to each other telepathically, or when CIA intelligence analysts employ the protocols of remote viewing to see into underground bases in the former Soviet Union?

Furthermore, in what way does this understanding of reality help to explain some of the more bizarre elements of the UFO Phenomenon? Here we speak of events such as when people are passed through solid objects, or when alien intelligences are apparently able to read the minds of abductees/contactees, and even see into their futures, or how an alien species is able to traverse the immense distances involved in interstellar travel with relative ease.

The convergence of the fields we’ve just identified: namely ufology, parapsychology and quantum physics, and the implications regarding the fundamental nature of reality that are arising as a result, is the subject matter of this, the 31st episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.
